
Anna Soltwedel | Celebrant

About the business


Hi I'm Anna Soltwedel, Celebrant

Weddings. Elopements. Vow renewals. Naming Ceremonies. 

I am so happy your search for a Wedding Celebrant has led you here!  I am in my fourth year of this exciting journey and can honestly say that this gig, telling love stories and celebrating humans makes me the happiest girl around.

I found myself studying to become a celebrant after a few people I love (who know me REALLY WELL) told me this was my calling.  Crazy that I needed someone else to tell me!  And I can’t believe how right they were…it combines my love for writing and public-speaking (I was the girl always putting my hand up to read the passages aloud in Literature class), with the joy I get from connecting with people in all their forms, and getting to know them in such a meaningful way.


  • Wedding celebrants


Port Douglas & Mossman


Anna Soltwedel

Dining booking via TPD

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