Page 14 - Port Douglas Magazine 34
P. 14

NorthBreak world class hotel precinct

         Thirty years ago, a young David Imgraben who was baptized in the crush, settled   He has put a lot of passion and due diligent consideration into the development
         in Port Douglas, tossing convention in the air and set up Tript and Blue Dog surf   of NorthBreak Surf Park. Working alongside Gary Hunt, principal of local firm
         shops with a wallop of a dream: To make waves in the tropics.  Hunt Design, and Jarrod Ryan as lead designer, they have been blown away with
                                                               the support from the community. No doubt a reflection of the dedicated time
         You see, with all the “GREAT” in the region there are no easily accessible surf
         breaks in the tropics. One of the single most noted comments made by visitors,   spent seeking consultation from local experts across all facets of the project and by
                                                               taking the time to listen to the community, integrating their ideas into the vision.
         well that and “where can I swim without crocodiles, and stingers…”
                                                               The 100-acre property will restore and revegetate an impressive 40% of the site,
         Being at the grassroots level chatting with visitors in his shops inspired David’s   making it more of a nature park, with buildings designed in light modern aesthetic
         desire to contribute to the attraction of Port Douglas - that’s when the vision of
         NorthBreak Surf Park was born. A place with pumping waves and ripping swell for   which Hunt Design describes as ‘an evolution of the tropical vernacular style’. The
         year-round surf without the concerns of some unwelcome marine visitors.  accommodation is designed for “the barefoot beach vibe” with shaded timber deck
                                                               verandas protecting guests from the sun or rain – all designed to make the most
         For David there was no more talking about it he had to begin doing, he dreamed   of the natural aesthetic of the 3.5-acre Endless Surf wave pool found at the heart
         and dared…                                            of the resort.
         David’s vision for NorthBreak is on the way to becoming a reality. As expected, the   Located a stone’s throw  10km  outside  of Port Douglas,  this  environmentally
         main attraction of the park will be a 3.5-acre wave pool providing endless rolling   sensitive development is designed to strengthen the year-round visitor appeal of
         sets. However David’s vision does not stop there. Plans include a separate 10-acre   the region, while being economically supportive to local business.
         swimming lagoon, an aqua park, bike and hike trails, beach club, restaurants, wellness
         centre, conference centre with function rooms, as well as a range of accommodation   David’s intention is that this experience will not compete with the operators that
                                                               explore the Reef and Rainforest but will complement these operations.  He believes
         choices from the simple basic surf cabin to a 160-room high tech hotel.
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