Page 17 - Port Douglas Magazine 34
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With its location near the end of the Wangetti Trail, NorthBreak is perfectly poised   Trail and the game changer NorthBreak Surf Park, the region’s offering as a holiday
            to help play a major role in activating this world class trail and tourism initiative.   destination will continue to evolve.  It will be one our community and visitors can
            Visitors to Port Douglas will also benefit from being able to safely bike ride to   collectively be proud of and excited to experience.
            NorthBreak.  Using the trail, without crossing the highway or major roads they   Surfonomics,  the  coined  phrase  of  using  economics  to measure  the  value of
            will be able to enjoy all of the Park’s activities, including a large AquaPark with   surfing on a community, have proven studies showing the many positive monetary
            inflatable slides that will be suitable for all ages.  and  environmental  influences  this  surf  culture  can  bring.  NorthBreak  is  very
            It will also present an international standard resort that will cater for families,   much on-trend, new surf parks are popping up across the globe, desirable to both
            couples,  and  surfers  wanting  to  spoil  themselves  with  a  signature  restaurant,   professional and novice surfers, in this lucrative and global surfing industry. 
            numerous alfresco eateries and beach bars, some relaxation or a much needed   A landmark project like this is a powerhouse for the local economy, expected to
            massage at a pampering spa.                           inject around $80m and 130,000 extra visitor nights each year and generating the
            Views from the resort will include an impressive swimming lagoon.  With the   equivalent of 700 full-time jobs.
            design offering a one-kilometre perimeter it will be perfect for swimming laps,
            finding a private spot to enjoy a pool lounge or provide a great training facility
            for athletes or school groups seeking to improve their surf skills all year round in  THE NEXT WAVE
            pristine safe waters.                                 There are still a few final checks that will need approval until wave seekers hunt for
            It really  is  an  open  invitation  to everyone,  supported by  a  full  range  of   their next wave in the tropics.  From what started as an idea and now his dream,
            accommodation, services, and a things to do list that will be the envy of most.   David understands the need for patience. He and his partners remain focused
            Entertainment for hours, days, ….well all 365 of the year.  on the tasks at hand and due diligence that will see this project from concept to
                                                                  breaking ground.  Once approvals are confirmed, Port Douglas will be able to
                                                                  offer Australia’s next surf frontier, right here in Far North Queensland and that’s
            SURFONOMICS                                           exciting!
            It may feel out of reach given the current tourism climate of the past couple of   NorthBreak isn’t just about catching a wave, it’s a vibe, capturing the attention of
            years,  but  there  is  a  boom  coming  to  the  region.  The  shift  to  sustainable  and   surfers and non-surfers globally. More than just a pool or two - it’ll be a lifestyle
            adventure tourism will be a big piece of the tourism recovery puzzle.  Travellers   for locals and an authentic, inspiring way of life visitors will travel to time and
            naturally seek the new and exciting and this experience economy will fuel this new   time again.
            pillar of adventure tourism as it continues to grow in popularity in the far north.  And for those seeking more, well just maybe one day you will be able to build
            Adventure tourism can be any tourist activity that liberates your soul advancing   your own dream home in this nature park, only a few steps away from perfect surf
            your emotional, physical and mental state. These could include physical activity,   conditions day after day. Mmm it has definitely got me thinking …
            a cultural exchange, or getting out exploring in nature. You don’t necessarily have   Stay tuned!
            to jump out of a plane or dive with crocodiles to be an adventure tourist, although
            those activities do qualify and can be done right here.
            The old dames, The Great Barrier Reef and Daintree Rainforest, will always be the
            hallmarks of Douglas. However, with the addition of projects like the Wangetti   

            10-acre swimming lagoon

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