Page 16 - Port Douglas Magazine 34
P. 16

Stylish and affordable surf cabins

                                                                  “With the addition of projects like the Wangetti
                                                                          Trail and the game changer NorthBreak
                                                                       Surf Park, the region’s offering as a holiday
                                                                              destination will continue to evolve.” 

         it will appeal to the huge market of potential visitors who traditionally may not   From  conception,  sustainability  has  been  a  key  consideration  with  the  team
         have even considered far north queensland as a holiday destination, purely on its   targeting  100%  self-sustainable.    They  will  use  solar  and  other  green  energy
         geographical inability to deliver a surfing opportunity.  sources, a community battery mini grid system that will be fed with captured and
                                                               cleansed stormwater; and after extensive research they have selected Endless Surf
                                                               to deliver the integral piece, the wave pool technology.
         ECO WAVES FOR DAYS                                    Endless Surf will use about a third less concrete than alternative choices and less
         The ethos of NorthBreak is described as that of the modern surfer, reflecting a deep   water because of the compact organic shape. The benefit of their technology will
         respect for nature, conservation, and communion with others. Something which   be producing waves on demand thus reducing the overall energy consumption of
         is a cornerstone of the Douglas Shire being an accredited ecotourism destination.  the pool.
         Short  of  being  granola-gangsters,  NorthBreak  has  gone  above  and  beyond  to   When you live in a place like the Douglas Shire you cannot help but be supernatural.  
         ensure a commitment to protect the planet and deliver a positive nature-based
         environment. Going the extra lengths to complete extensive scientific research
         over  12 months,  industry-leading environmentalists’  scientists,  zoologists,  and  COMMUNITY ON BOARD
         botanists have indicated no negative environmental impact. Wow!  The intangible about a place like NorthBreak, yet very fitting of a surf culture is
         Quite an achievement for a development of this scale. But how will this be put into   that it will foster a sense of community, a school of thought as people learn from
         practise to realise this minimal environmental footprint?  Northbreak’s plan is to   each other.
         utilise innovative technology to reduce the impact on energy and water resources   The tech used will allow surfers of different abilities to customise their personal
         providing enhancements to the  natural surroundings  to buffer  and preserve   wave-type including its height and power. It will allow people with a multitude
         sensitive ecosystems. It will help Mother Nature revegetating with native and fruit-  of surf experience to share the same sessions. In this type of environment, David
         producing species, along with any necessary site works to help prevent and solve   hopes it will be a common occurrence to see old pros giving keen newbies advice
         the current issue of sediment runoff into the Mowbray that flows out to the Coral   and pointers, a welcomed trait of this inclusive surf culture. 
         Sea after seasonal rain events. 
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