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            64                                           12                           57

                                                                                      ALL THAT JAZZ
                                                         THE WILL AND THE             It’s Cooler than Coltrane at Zinc.
            WHERE                                        WAVE                         Long lunch anyone?
                                                         Imgraben’s plans for NorthBreak Port  60
            LIFESTYLE                                    The next surf frontier could become
                                                         a reality with local visionary David
            MEETS                                        Douglas
            LIVELIHOOD                                                                ALL FIRED UP
                                                                                      At the Iron Bar Steakhouse
            Rohan and Marlene, the team                  22
            behind Epicurean made the
            move from Victoria and are                   LIGHTS, CAMERA,              70
            now Doing it in Douglas                      ACTION!
                                                         Destination Far North continues to soar   WOMEN OF DOUGLAS
                                                         in the Film Business
                                                                                      Meet five inspiring ladies, united in
                                                                                      business they share their insights into
                                                         30                           working and living in Douglas

                                                         THE BIRTH OF                 76
                                                         PLASTIC FREE BOY
                                                         Meet Arlian Ecker, the young eco   EXPLORE
                                                         warrior inspiring and empowering the   Join the locals, get out and about and
                                                         next generation in the fight against   let them show you around
                                                         plastic pollution
                                                         36                           80

                                                                                      MOSSMAN GORGE
                                                         STAY                         Passing their knowledge down through
                                                         Step into Our World...       the generations
                                                         The best places to lay your head
                                                         42                           86

                                                         STORIES OF ROMANCE           HOLIDAY READS
                                                         Real Life Wedding            Pick up your next holiday accesory -
                                                         Matt & Holly                 with our top picks in books
                                                         Romance under the Rain Trees
                                                         48                           88
                                                                                      LIONS DEN ROARS FOR
                                                         OUR AGE SHOULD NOT           A NEW LEADER OF THE
                                                         DEFINE OUR JOURNEY           PACK
                                                         A new challenge could be on the horizon   From an era gone by to the modern day,
                                                         for your fitness regime      this pub will always have a story to tell
                                                         52                           90

                                                         SIGNATURE DISH               LIVE HERE
                                                         Melaleuca restaurant – Leading the way   Invest and thrive in the Douglas Shire
                                                         in culinary excellence

                                                         54                           94
                                                                                      10 QUESTIONS WITH…
                                                         FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD
           PHOTO CREDIT: Sofia Cullen                                                 Port Douglas Police Seargeant
                                                         Enjoy our top picks in restaurants & bars
                                                                                      Damian Meadows

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