Page 113 - Port Douglas Magazine 41
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                   & RENAE                                        extending  her educational influence beyond the classroom  to

                   MARANO                                         their home life. Here, she assumes responsibility for the children’s
                                                                  education, while Angelo excels in managing finances, a role aligned
                                                                  with his career expertise.
                                                                  Their harmonious partnership thrives on compromise, with Renae’s
                                                                  laid-back approach complementing Angelo’s decisiveness. Their
                                                                  communication is characterised by directness and honesty.
                                                                  Despite Angelo’s demanding schedule, running a successful
            MARANO’S FUEL, a cherished family enterprise in the Douglas Shire,   business, not conforming to the typical CEO mould, managing
            has been a cornerstone of Far North Queensland for more than   multiple roles within the company, and surviving on three hours
            six decades, supplying essential fuel and oils to businesses and   of sleep per night, he always prioritises family above all else and
            communities alike.                                    recognises the importance of taking breaks. Together with Renae,
            Leading this enduring legacy is CEO Angelo Marano, a third-  they prioritise family travel and have explored about 20 countries
            generation steward who guides with unwavering dedication.   together.
            Beside him is his life partner, Renae Marano, whose passion lies in   In their sons, Lewis and Stirling, they see reflections of their own
            education as a devoted secondary school teacher. Together, they   aspirations and dreams. Encouraging them to pursue their own
            form an impressive team, balancing the demands of business with   interests and passions, Angelo and Renae instil into their boys values
            their commitment to community and family values.      of independence and resilience, preparing them for the future,
            Angelo proudly carries on the tradition initiated by his ancestors,   without imposing any expectation to join the family business.
            tracing back to 1920 when his great-grandfather, also named   As a family, they share a love for nature. They thoroughly enjoy
            Angelo, migrated from Italy to lease a sugar cane farm in Saltwater   going out on their boat with the family and enjoy the breathtaking
            Creek, north of Cairns. This marked the inception of Marano Fuel’s   surroundings. Their Italian heritage infuses warmth and vibrancy
            journey, with the establishment of the first service station at Miallo,   into their lives, evident in their love for family gatherings and culinary
            where the primary Marano’s Fuel depot still operates today.  traditions, from crafting homemade pasta sauce to hosting birthday
            In 1964, Angelo’s two sons, Joe and Sam Marano, expanded   parties with 90 relatives.
            the business further, acquiring several sugar cane farms and   Living here offers a lifestyle they hold dear, embracing the heat that
            broadening the distribution of fuels and oils.        others may find intolerable. During the wet season, they particularly
            Growing up as one of Joe’s six children, Angelo absorbed the values   enjoy sitting at the Courthouse Hotel in Port Douglas with cold beers,
            of hard work and dedication, yet his entry into the family business   relishing the tranquil atmosphere as they watch the rain, a cherished
            was initially uncertain. His inclination towards independence,   tradition that reflects their appreciation for life’s simple joys.
            unusual in Italian families, led to clashes with his father. Seeking new   Their path intertwines with the beating heart of the Douglas Shire,
            horizons, Angelo pursued business management studies at JCU in   resonating with the vibrant spirit of their home and the enduring
            Cairns, later spending 12 years at ANZ Bank before finally embracing   power of family bonds.
            his heritage and joining the family business in 2006.
            Despite the initial disagreements with his father, Angelo now                   
            recognises that these challenges strengthened their bond. With Joe
            now semi-retired, the family business continues without his day-to-
            day involvement.
            As CEO, Angelo has steered remarkable growth, expanding from 15
            to 170 employees and from a handful of trucks to 18, with operations
            spanning 15 service stations.
            This success wouldn’t have been possible without his life partner,
            Renae, whose story intertwines with Angelo’s through their families’
            long-standing connection. Attending the same school, Renae’s initial
            lack of interest in Angelo didn’t prevent fate from bringing them
            together, a turn of events she now considers the best thing that ever
            happened to her.
            Now happily married for 20 years, Angelo and Renae have two
            children, Louis  and Sterling. Their  vow renewal  ceremony  at the
            stunning Sugar Wharf in Port Douglas celebrated 15 years of love
            and commitment.
            As a committed school teacher at Mossman State High School,
            Renae shares her passion for dance and literature with her students,
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