Page 109 - Port Douglas Magazine 41
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meet the producers.                                                                               meet the producers.

                                                                             While Luigi oversees operations, his four sons play
                                                                             integral roles in the farm’s success, each contributing their
                                                                             skills and ideas to the business. Over time, the farm has

                                                                             seen significant growth, with the establishment of a fruit
                                                                             shop in 1994 and branching out to distribute produce to
                                                                             Rusty’s market in Cairns, as well as markets in Sydney and
                                                                             Melbourne. You can also find Luigi personally attending

                                                                             the Mossman markets on Saturdays and the Port Douglas
                                                                             Sunday markets.
 WORDS By Jamie Jansen                                                       you enter their Farm Store. More than just a shopping
                                                                             Yet, the essence of their legacy truly comes to life when
                                                                             destination, it’s an immersive experience - a journey
                                                                             through generations of family tradition and a celebration
                                                                             of the bountiful beauty that defines the Far North.

                                                                             As you step inside the store, you’re greeted by the
                                                                             tantalising aroma of farm-fresh fruits and vegetables. From
                                                                             the luscious sweetness of rambutan and mangosteen to the

                                                                             intriguing scent of durian, each offering reflects the fertile
                                                                             abundance of the region.
                                                                             Beyond their own produce, Scomazzon’s proudly showcases
                                                                             a curated array of locally sourced artisanal products.
                                                                             Every item reflects the Scomazzon family’s dedication

                                                                             to demonstrating the diverse flavours and creative talents
 A taste of tropical paradise                                                found in Far North Queensland. The process of selecting

 at this iconic roadside stop  Luigi Scomazzon & Granddaughter Ella holding some durian.  products is a collaborative effort within the team, with
                                                                             each option meticulously evaluated.
                                                                             Wandering through the aisles, you’ll encounter an
 NESTLED ALONG  THE SCENIC Mossman-                                          abundance of both edible and non-edible souvenirs, each
 Daintree Road, just a 20-minute drive from Port                             one narrating a unique story of the region’s richness and
 Douglas, lies a hidden gem treasured by both locals                         artisanal expertise.

 and  travellers  alike:  Scomazzon’s  Farm  Store.  This
                                                                             Take, for instance, Kefir Queen’s probiotic elixirs,

 quaint  country  store,  situated  at  the  base  of  the
                                                                             crafted by Penny in her specialised kitchen and plant-
 Scomazzon family’s farm, has evolved into a beloved
                                                                             based fermentary in Port Douglas. Using locally grown,
 landmark in the area.  With extraordinary seasonal
                                                                             pesticide-free produce, Penny ensures that each elixir is
 exotic fruits and an array of handcrafted (foodie) gifts,
                                                                             made without any processing equipment, guaranteeing a
 this is a must-do when visiting Port Douglas and the
                                                                             pure and natural taste.
                                                                             Or perhaps you might be tempted by the wholesome snacks
 Owned by Luigi and Angie Scomazzon, the store

                                                                             from Beach Harvest Australian Coconuts. This family-run
 is more than just a business; it’s a testament to the
                                                                             business in Port Douglas hand-harvests their coconuts,
 family’s passion and dedication.  The Scomazzon’s

                                                                             creating delectable treats such as coconut chips in flavours

 Farm journey traces back to the 1930s when Luigi’s

                                                                             like maple, Tasmanian sea salt, and caramel. They also offer
 grandfather emigrated from Italy to Australia, laying  SCOMAZZON’S FARM STORE
                                                                             coconut granola, dried mango, and pineapple, providing a
 the groundwork for what would blossom into a
                                                                             taste of tropical paradise.

 flourishing tropical fruit farm, situated precisely where
 the farm proudly stands today.                                              You’ll also discover organic beauty products from

                                                                             among others such as The Soap Shed Port Douglas. Or
 Initially focused on sugar cane, the farm took a
                                                                             find  beautifully  illustrated  paper  goods  from  Treasure

 transformative turn in the late seventies when Luigi’s
                                                                             Inventory, with all artwork designed by Port Douglas local
 parents ventured to Malaysia in search of seeds.
                                                                             Natasha Bellero.

 Their encounter with exotic fruits like rambutans,
 mangosteens,  and  durians  sparked  a  revolution  in                      Additionally, the store offers products sourced from other

 the region’s fruit industry, laying the foundation for                      regions of Australia. Recently, they introduced apple juice
 the diverse range of fruits grown on the farm today,                        sourced from down south, acquired from a vintage organic
 including jackfruit, mamey sapotes, custard apples,                         van.
 star apples, yellow sapote, and soursop.                                    As Luigi and his wife Angie plan for the future, they
            “It’s an immersive experience - a
 Born and raised in the local area, Luigi found himself                      carry forward the values instilled by previous generations:
 drawn back to the family business after spending   journey through generations of   a commitment to progress and innovation, ensuring that
 years working in the sugarcane industry in the USA.                         Scomazzon’s Farm continues to thrive and evolve.
 With determination and a sense of duty, he assumed   family tradition and a celebration
 leadership of the farm, ensuring its continued success                      For locals and tourists alike, a visit to Scomazzon’s
 for future generations.   of the bountiful beauty that defines              Farm  Store  is  a  journey  through  generations  of  family
                                                                             tradition. So whether you find yourself passing through

            the Far North.”

 Luigi understands firsthand the rewards and                                 Port Douglas or on your way to explore the lush wonders
 challenges of fruit farming. Despite its rewarding                          of the Daintree, be sure to make Scomazzon’s your next
 nature, it comes with its share of challenges such as                       destination. After all, when you step through those doors,
 unpredictable weather, fungal diseases, pests such as                       you’re not just buying produce - you’re becoming part of
 fruit sucking moths, fruit spotting bugs, and vermin.                       the Scomazzon family story.
 Locally sourced artisan products
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