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                                                                                    PORT DOUGLAS

            TIM AND MATT, brothers at the helm of Port Douglas Getaways,   Their management approach is hands-on, with Matt having a keen
            continue the legacy of their family business established 30 years   eye for detail, ensuring the smallest problems are addressed, even
            ago, offering a premier selection of quality holiday accommodation   if it is after hours; diligence stemming from years of experience, in-
            in Port Douglas.                                      depth knowledge of each property, and a genuine drive to provide
            Their family’s business roots extend back to their parents’ relocation   a great holiday for their guests. They treat each property as if it
            to Port Douglas in November ‘82. Larry and Robyn, their American   were their own, fostering close relationships with owners, some of
            father and Australian mother, met in a bar while in St. Thomas in the   whom have been with them for 30 years.
            Caribbean. A chance encounter led to the couple traversing the   Working together as brothers, Matt and Tim seamlessly
            globe before settling in a then little-known tropical paradise called   complement each other, evident in their ‘yin and yang’ dynamic.
            Port Douglas.                                         Matt spends much of his time in the field, liaising with tradespeople
            Initially, their father pursued his trade of carpentry while their mother   and overseeing property management operations, while Tim
            held various hospitality roles. Their journey took a unique turn when   concentrates on owner relations, accounts, business development
            their mother, known for her vigilant eye over the neighbourhood,   and  marketing.  Their mutual trust  enables  them  to effectively
            was entrusted by a Southern property investor to oversee his   address challenges.
            three townhouses on Solander Boulevard.                      Balancing  personal  lives  with  work  can  be  challenging,
            This marked the family’s entry into the holiday home rental    especially since Matt and Tim are always on call to
            business, taking bookings via phone calls and faxes and   “      handle emergencies. Despite the challenges of
            sending marketing brochures via snail mail to would-               managing urgent matters during family time,
            be travellers. The hard work paid off with their                     especially  during  peak  season,  they  strive  to
            portfolio of properties growing each year, long   WORKING TOGETHER AS   keep a healthy work-life balance and are
            before the advent of Airbnb.               BROTHERS, MATT AND TIM        adamant they couldn’t achieve this without
            Growing up, the business was a core part   SEAMLESSLY COMPLEMENT           an incredible long-standing team they
                                                                                         are lucky to have on board.
            of Matt, Tim and their younger sister
            Jaqui’s upbringing. With the nature of the   EACH OTHER, EVIDENT            Both Matt and Tim tied the knot with
            industry, weekends would be spent helping   IN THEIR ‘YIN AND YANG’       their respective partners in Port Douglas.
            out wherever possible. Holidays and trips         DYNAMIC               Tim, who has two young children, spends his
            abroad were solely reserved for the off season.                       free time working around the house and enjoys
                                                                                quality family time. Matt and his partner prioritise
            After completing high school in Cairns, Tim pursued     “         wearing out their high-energy dog, running on the
            higher education in Brisbane where he met his partner,          beach and swimming in creeks, spending time with
            Lauren, and they made their home in the inner city for a      friends, and planning their own getaways.
            decade while Tim focused on real estate sales.
                                                                       Their love for Port Douglas is deeply rooted in the memories
            However, city life drawbacks - constant traffic, congestion, and   and connections they’ve built over the years. Growing up here
            a lack of leisure time – were taking their toll, with Tim and Lauren   and then leaving only strengthened their appreciation for the
            questioning their urban lifestyle. The pull to return to Port Douglas   beauty and uniqueness of the place.
            was strong, especially with a desire to raise a family in a more
            relaxed environment.                                  Reflecting on their childhood in Port Douglas, Matt and Tim
            Matt, having lived in Port Douglas for most of his life, always felt   recall a simpler time when the town lacked major amenities like
                                                                  supermarkets and the tourism industry was just beginning to take
            a  strong  connection  to  the  area.  The  thought  of  living  in  a  busy   off. Despite gradual changes over the years, the essence of the
            city never appealed to him and despite stints living in Cairns, and   town remains, and they believe this is why guests keep coming back
            extensive travels throughout his twenties and early thirties, he   year after year.
            always found himself drawn back to his hometown.
            In 2009, about 16 years after their parents established Port Douglas   It is the seasonal nature of Port Douglas, with its beautiful weather
                                                                  and relaxed atmosphere, that holds a special allure for Matt and
            Getaways, Matt stepped into the family business, with Tim following   Tim. As well, interacting with tourists daily reminds them of how
            suit in 2016. Today, their parents are retired and the brothers maintain   fortunate they are to call this place home.
            the family’s long-standing emphasis on quality. Currently exclusively
            overseeing 60 properties, they prioritise personalised service for
            their guests and select properties in prime locations around town.    
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