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           WOLV ERIDGE
           &          C AR OLINE

                      Y ARR

         SO THEB Y’ S

         IN THE REALM OF LUXURY REAL ESTATE in Port Douglas, Barbara
         Wolveridge, Director of Sotheby’s Tropical North Queensland,
         and  Caroline  Yarr, Senior  Sales  Executive,  form a  dynamic  duo
         dedicated to curating the finest properties. With a combined 60
         years of industry experience, they share a relentless pursuit of
         excellence and a deep appreciation of the town’s unique charm.
         Before this formidable duo met in Port Douglas 15 years ago, they
         each navigated fascinating, globe-spanning lives, filled with
         unexpected career twists and turns.
         Barbara’s career journey began in Melbourne, where she excelled
         as a top performer in Yellow Pages sales at just 26. An unexpected   vital part in shaping the town’s future, welcoming newcomers and
         opportunity in real estate propelled her forward when she joined   helping them seamlessly integrate into the community.
         a golf course development project. Despite her lack of experience,   It was in no other place than our breathtaking Four Mile Beach
         she sold out the entire inventory within two years, marking the start   that Barbara and Caroline’s partnership took  shape. Barbara,
         of her successful career.                             recognising Caroline’s potential, extended an invitation for her to
         Following that success, she embarked on a six-month travel journey   join Sotheby’s team. Initially hesitant, Caroline ultimately made the
         through  Europe  until  her  funds  ran  dry  and  she  returned  home.   pivotal decision to embrace the opportunity. It was a great decision,
         That’s when she met her late husband, and the rest, as they say, is   as Barbara and Caroline have collectively contributed a wealth of
         history. Taking a hiatus from real estate, she delved into organising   knowledge and expertise to every transaction for more than five
         and leading golf tours around the world, a venture inspired by her   years at Sotheby’s.
         husband’s work as a golf-course designer.             Their all-female team at Sotheby’s boasts a strong dynamic,
         In the midst of her whirlwind travels and dynamic career pursuits,   characterised by humour and flexibility. Embracing progressive
         Barbara showed her altruistic side by establishing microcredit   practices, they prioritise the happiness and well-being of their team
         banks  for  disadvantaged  women  in  India.  And  that’s  not  all!   members, fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment.
         From there, she ventured to Bhutan, where she spearheaded the
         construction of a monk’s house.
         Barbara’s journey to the tropics began when her husband landed   “THEIR ALL-FEMALE TEAM AT SOTHEBY’S BOASTS A
         a job designing the golf course at the Sheraton Grand Mirage in   STRONG DYNAMIC, CHARACTERISED BY HUMOUR AND
         Port Douglas. Despite being a city girl at heart, she grew to love the   FLEXIBILITY. EMBRACING PROGRESSIVE PRACTICES,
         area’s vibrant community and diverse appeal. Settling permanently,   THEY PRIORITISE THE HAPPINESS AND WELL-BEING OF
         she re-entered the real estate field, feeling it was the perfect time
         to do so.                                                            THEIR TEAM MEMBERS”
         Caroline’s journey begins in the quaint town of Bairnsdale in country
         Victoria, where she spent her childhood. They say country people
         make the best salespeople, and Caroline’s path certainly attests to   Outside of work, Caroline and Barbara maintain a strong bond,
         that.                                                 hitting the local gym together three times a week. Despite their
                                                               vibrant personalities, they share a harmonious relationship, free of
         A true speed enthusiast, she launched her career in Melbourne’s   grudges or conflicts.
         motor industry, accumulating 15 years of experience. Her journey
         took her to the UK in the late ‘80s, where she deepened her passion   Barbara remains dedicated to philanthropy beyond her work at
         for car racing while rubbing shoulders with icons like Jack Brabham   Sotheby’s, supporting local community initiatives. Her unwavering
         along the way.                                        passion for travel brings her closer to her goal of visiting 80 countries,
                                                               mirroring her late husband’s extensive travels.
         Upon returning to Melbourne, Caroline shifted gears into
         advertising, focusing on print media. Her adventurous spirit led   Weekends are Caroline’s time for adventure, spent riding her Harley
         her  to  work on  luxury  superyachts  in the Mediterranean  before   with her husband, exploring destinations like Daintree Village. The
         eventually finding her true calling in Port Douglas. Over the span of   exhilarating feeling of revving up the Harley provides a form of
         24 years, Caroline has become a prominent figure in the town’s real   meditation, clearing her mind of life’s distractions and offering a
         estate scene, making notable sales like Niramaya off-plan for the   sense of tranquillity.
         original developer and focusing on high-end properties. Recently,   With their shared passion, commitment, and friendship, Barbara
         she was even recognised as one of the 53 best Queensland women   and Caroline have carved out a remarkable legacy in the domain
         in real estate.                                       of  luxury  real  estate,  standing  side  by  side  as  a  testament  to  the
         For Caroline, Port Douglas is more than just a town. It’s a place   enduring allure of Port Douglas.
         she holds dear, proud of its unique charm and commitment to
         preserving its natural beauty.  In her role in real estate, she plays a

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