Page 112 - Port Douglas Magazine 38
P. 112

MIKE &               years … his boardies and flip flops were packed.   This was the tipping point so Mike quit his job.
                                             Well, there was one quick stop over in Viva Las
                                                                                 Together, the husband-and-wife team poured their
                           SALLY             Vegas to tie the knot.              heart and soul into each of these distinguished
                                             Port Douglas was like nowhere else in the world.
                        MILLER               Engulfed in the region’s natural beauty, the two   Mike helms the kitchen making doughnuts like
                                                                                 crazy, and Sally is the face of the business and
                                             hospitality professionals easily found work.
                                                                                 handles the administrative side of things.
                                             Enjoying  a  simpler  life  away  from  the  frantic
                                             city their family grew. It wasn’t until complicated   Working  together  has  its challenges but  the
                                             circumstances from the birth of their third son put   two complement each other extremely well
          When Mike and Sally Miller recently opened   them into financial woes.  and genuinely enjoy it. Its synchronicity. Even
          the doors to the Douglas Shire’s only gourmet   Mike started making doughnuts at home, playing   though they are completely different individuals,
          doughnut bakery cafe, Dukes, in Mossman, they   with recipes, and sending his creations as gifts   together they align and enrich each other’s lives
          were greeted with a glaze of fanfare as delighted   to  friends  in  lined  cereal  boxes,  devouring  each   professionally and personally.
          doughnut devotees lined up early that Saturday   sweet morsel.  One restaurant owner got a taste   Mike, Sally, and their family rejoice in the niche
          morning selling out of their artisan treats within   of Mike’s oh-so-good creations and offered up the   they have been able to carve in the community
          hours.                             use of his kitchen and food license in exchange for   they love. They believe if you have more than
          This was a heart-warming show of support   doughnuts. With this opportunity, Sally thought if   you need, build a longer table, not a higher fence.
          for this dynamic doughnut duo who came to   they could sell them at the markets while Mike was   After everything they overcame, they’re most
          slinging bedazzled dough in the face of dark   still cheffed at his day job, an extra $200 a week   proud of giving back by starting a breakfast club at
          days of adversity. The young family was lifted by   would certainly help get them out of debt trouble.  Mossman State School. Being fortunate enough to
          the community they sweetly call home and local   Sally, the methodical well-oiled machine, put the   live in an affluent area, child hunger is something
          business owners who supported their newfangled   plan in place, while Mike worked like mad in   they believe can be fixed at a local level.
          upscale confections.               his signature blissfully organised chaos kneading,   When not working Mike and Sally are savouring
          Mike, an accomplished chef, and Sally, a clever   rolling, and resting the dough for their first Sunday   time with the family at either Four Mile Beach or
          restaurant  manager,  met  while  working  together   market.          Lake Tinaroo. Of course, nothing beats relaxing
          at a  Vancouver eatery. As the two became more   Going in blind with no expectations, they sold   with a coffee and fresh doughnuts.
          smitten  their  lives  aligned  to trade in the  Great   out within hours, and every week just got bigger.
          White North for the Great Barrier Reef. Sally knew   Dukes was launched to drooling acclaim. They
          the charm of Port Douglas from previous visits,   grew from making a couple of dozen a day to
          and warming Mike to the idea wasn’t difficult,   almost 1000 a week, scaling up supplying Cairns’
          living in the tropics versus shivering in Canada for   cafes and Rusty’s markets.

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