Page 117 - Port Douglas Magazine 38
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TIPS FOR THOSE TRAVELLING       Daintree River Cruise
                WITH A FURRY FRIEND         Go spotting crocs with your pooch from
                                            the safety of a Daintree River cruise boat.   PAWS & CLAWS (P&C)
                   A PLACE TO REST          Daintree River Cruise Centre offers 60-    ANIMAL SHELTER

                  YOUR WEARY PAWS           90 minutes cruise, just call beforehand on   When the original local shelter closed to make way for a
                                            07 4098 6115 to check there’s room and it’s   petrol station in 2016 there was a void left for the region’s
            Looking for a place to stay? A popular choice   ok to bring your pet.
            are caravan and camping grounds and there   Creek Swimming         abandoned and homeless animals.
            are a few to choose from in Port Douglas,                          After a few futile attempts to secure the next site, a suitable
            Mossman, Newell Beach, Wonga beach and   Shannonvale swimming hole is a favourite   site at Craiglie, Port Douglas was chosen.  Despite being
            the Daintree. Alternatively, accommodation   for locals and their dogs.  When the seas are   in the middle of a commercially zoned industrial estate,
            experts such as Executive Retreats and Port   as warm as pea soup and its stinger season,   neighbouring companies were concerned about the
            Douglas Accommodation are a great place   the cool rainforest rains that feed this local   noise aspect. So, with the help of engineers, one of the
            to start if you are looking for something a   creek  (croc  free)  is  a  welcome  activity  to   most advanced state-of-the art animal shelters was built
            little more unique.             cool down in. Only 20 minutes from Port   incorporating all the latest in noise reduction architecture.
                                            Douglas, it is also a perfect picnic spot.  Engineers (Sequel), Hydraulics (Gilboy), GMA
                    DINNER TIME!                                               Certification, Building Consultants, Therian  Vet, and

            Many restaurants and cafes welcome canine   WHAT IF TOURS & ACTIVITIES   animal  husbandry  specialist  (Danny  Vos)  were  brought
            customers with open arms.   Many sell   DO NOT ACCEPT DOGS?        together to ensure that the new strict assurances of
            doggy treats alongside their culinary treats   Good news you do not have to miss out   compliance were met.  Monetary assistance came from the
            for humans and most will supply a bowl of   on that bucket list trip to the Great Barrier   State and Federal funds along with years of fundraising.
            cool water to help cool them down in the   Reef, a day’s fishing, or enjoying ziplining   Opening in August 2022 after years of work, the state-of-

            tropical heat allowing you time to enjoy a   through the Daintree Forest - there are   the art facility passed the stringent decibel tests, and the
            leisurely breakfast, a pint at the pub or your   carers who can doggy sit:  doors were opened, providing accommodation for 38 dogs
            daily caffeine fix.             Paws and Claws Animal Shelter      (including boarding dogs) and a cattery.

            And a worthy mention - If your pet happens   $33 to $40 per day/night.
            to be a parrot on your shoulder, a cat in a   Madpaws offers day care from   HOW CAN YOU HELP?

            pushchair, a tucked-up wallaby in a body   $28 per day and $69 per night.  Donations are always welcomed.
            sling or a dangling bat off your lapel, the   Dog Direction offers day care.  For those   Purchase pre-loved clothes from their charity shop.

            local establishments seem just as welcoming.                       Another great option and one that I personally love is to
                                            considering a long stay (a month or more)   volunteer. 

                A SELECTION OF PET          they now offer a Dog Country Club!    Simply call P&C on 07 4098 5721 (ideally 24 hr notice,
                   LOVING SPOTS             Yes, you read it here.             so they can prepare) and become a volunteer dog walker. 

                       Cafe Fresq           TO LEASH, OR NOT TO LEASH          The Shelter encourages and loves it when the local

                       Cafe Dulce           When it comes to public areas, it will be no   community (and visitors) offer a helping hand. They are

                       Epicurean            surprise, dogs should be always kept on a   flexible and you can take a doggy any time from 9.00am.
                      Black Sesame          leash.                             Depending on your schedule you can enjoy their company
                    Toast Sandwich Bar                                         until the doggy curfew time of 4.00pm. All you need is
                   The Little Red Kitchen   It is also essential to keep dogs back from   some sunscreen and water and P&C will supply the lead,

                 Whileaway Bookshop & Cafe   the water’s edge when walking past lakes   doggy bag and furry companion.
                  Chilly’s Pizza and Trattoria  and rivers/boat ramps.  Please be croc aware
                     Lure Restaurant        and prevent any unnecessary harm coming   CONSIDERING ADOPTION?
                   Hemingway’s Brewery      to your loved ones, being mistaken for a   There are many reasons why this a great idea:

                      Choo Choos            doggy croc treat!                  1.   Save a life:  When you adopt from a shelter, you
                     St. Crispin’s Cafe     We understand  that many  owners  will be   are giving a second chance to a dog that may have
                     Kai Port Douglas       keen to let their furry companions run free   been abandoned, lost, or surrendered by its previous
                 Central & Courthouse Hotels  with the wind in their ears!         owner.
                    Barrier Reef Tavern     There are plenty of designated areas in

                      Rattle & Hum          the Douglas Shire so please be mindful of   2.   Wide selection: Shelters have a wide variety of dogs

                 Temptations Café, Mossman  others, set the example and enjoy these free   of all ages, breeds, and sizes. This means you can find

                                                                                   the perfect dog that fits your lifestyle and personality.
                 Beechwoods Café, Mossman   spaces.  It’s a great way to meet some of the   3.   Health benefits: Dogs provide numerous health

                     EXPLORING:             local community too and they are a friendly   benefits, including reducing stress, improving mood,

                   THINGS TO DO             bunch                                  and encouraging exercise. Improve your overall well-
                                            The off-leash dog areas:               being.

            A loyal companion, whether guarding your   •   Southern end of Four Mile Beach.

            gear or acting as a willing accomplice for   Cowrie Street entrance has doggy bags,   4.   Cost-effective: It is typically less expensive than
            lounging and reading a book, man’s best   and hose to rinse sand off afterwards.  buying a dog from a breeder. Many shelters will also

            friend simply loves spending quality time   •   Northern end of Cooya Beach  provide initial medical care and spaying/neutering

            with you.  They also provide the perfect   •   Diwan Reserve Mossman  5.   services, saving you even more money.
                                                                                   Support a good cause: Many shelters are non-profit
            excuse to get out and about and explore the
 DOG DAY    local region.                   •   (behind Douglas Shire Council Depot)  6.   organisations that rely on donations and adoption
                                               Foxton Avenue, Mossman
                                                                                   fees to provide care for their animals.

            Flagstaff Hill
                                               Northern end of Newell Beach
                                                                                   Already trained: Many dogs in shelters are already

            This is a stunning coastal trail that hugs the
                                               North Wonga Beach
                                                                                   housebroken and have some basic obedience

 AFTERNOON  peninsula of Port Douglas. The bigger the   •   Cow Bay beach, Daintree  Run by a non-for-profit team of dedicated animal lovers,
                                                                                   training. This can make the transition to your home

            dog the better on this activity as you realise
                                                                                   much easier and less stressful.
                                               Coconut Beach, Cape Tribulation
            why  4  legs  running  upstairs  are  so  much

            more efficient than 2 legs.   A larger dog
            can help to pull you up! This 1.5 km trail                         this is a great local facility.

            takes you up about 200 steps to an elevation

 Whether you are travelling with or without your trusted four-legged friend,   of about 80m. A detour of 175m will take
 Port Douglas is a great spot to enjoy some much-needed R&R of the furry kind!   you to the stunning view from the Flagstaff
            Hill Lookout across the whole of Four Mile
            Beach - just like being in a postcard.
 WORDS by Rosie Wang
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