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                                                   Some folks dream of the day when they can do absolutely nothing, the coveted day of retirement.
                                                   To them, retirement is a euphoric impending lifetime of sleeping in, taking afternoon siestas,   BACK
                                                   snoozing in the sun, and thinking as little as possible for the next 30 years of their lives.
                                                   However, there are the people who have a geared-up mindset and enormous drive like dynamic duo
                                                   Cheryl and Gordon Wellham, owners of Exemplar Coaches and Limousines. When retirement
                                                   pulled up, they didn’t park and idle, the pair shifted into fifth.
                                                   Sure, the best time to go into business for yourself was yesterday, but the second-best time is   WEEKENDS
                                                   right now or when you’re about to hang up your hat, right? It was 19 years ago when Cheryl and
                                                   Gordon were thinking about the lazy hazy crazy days of retirement. But not quite ready to put life
                                                   on cruise control, they decided they needed a challenge. So, when the opportunity came along to
                                                   acquire the transfer business from other family members, they didn’t hesitate to take the wheel.
                                                   Cheryl and Gordon met in 1973 while living at Bondi Beach, but regularly spending time in Port
                                                   Douglas visiting Gordon’s mother in the early 70s, when Port was just a two-pub town. It was back
                                                   when Macrossan Street was no more than a bitumen strip with no footpaths and the population
                                                   of 200 beachcombers all knew each other.
                                                   It was when they took over the reins of the business in 2004 that Cheryl and Gordon made
                                                   Port Douglas home. As one of the most beautiful locations in the world, they continually pinch
                                                   themselves as they daily get to delight in the charm of Port’s pure beauty and tranquillity of the
                                                   beach, the ocean, and the sky.
                                                   “Still as friendly as the early days, small enough to know people but now big enough that they
                       GORDON                      don’t know you too well,” Cheryl tells in jest.
                                                   Before turning tropic, they both enjoyed considerable and celebrated careers in Sydney and
                     & CHERYL                      Canberra. Gordon served in the Navy for 30 years, climbing to the rank of captain, commanding
                                                   four warships along the way. He was appointed as a ‘Member of The Order of Australia’ for his
                    WELLHAM                        contributions to the Service. Cheryl had a career in nursing, 22 years in coronary care and theatre,
                                                   then in allied health career in sales and marketing for 15 years.
                                                   With their combined extensive and varied life experiences they brought the right gusto to their
                                                   new venture, a desire to succeed, and a commitment to making it happen. Starting an enterprise
                                                   with a spouse requires balancing two partnerships, the marriage, and the business. It can have its
                                                   challenges at times, but they always manage to work through their differences well, until Cheryl
                                                                           They balance each other in business with Gordon’s focus
                                                                           being analytical, developing, driving policies and procedures,
                                                                           while Cheryl is people-centred, focusing on human resources
                                                                           and customer management. Both being tough-minded, they
                                                                           work things out pragmatically, emotions left out. Gordon
                                                                           works behind the scenes while Cheryl is more of the face of
                                                                           the business on a day-to-day basis.
                                                                           From the beginnings of a modest transport company Cheryl
                                                                           and Gordon continually grow keeping as busy as ever seeing
                                                                           the business through highs and lows. They have managed to
                                                                           keep the lights on and develop Exemplar through some very
                                                                           trying times over the years they’ve owned the business. It is
                                                                           now arguably the largest and most successful airport transfer
                                                                           company in the Cairns and Port Douglas region, with a
                                                                           dependable fleet of 27 vehicles and a staff of 56.
                                                                           Talking about total couple goals, besides having long fulling
                                                                           careers, then starting a thriving business at retirement, their
                                                                           proudest life moments have been raising three now grown-up
                                                                           children and spoiling four beautiful grandchildren.
                                                                           When they get a rare day off, you’ll find Gordon doing
                                                                           some renovating and woodwork and Cheryl creating with
                                                                           watercolours, playing her violin, and enjoying time with her
                                                                           two mini schnauzers.
                                                                           Throughout the rises and falls of life, you tend to pick up a
                                                                           few lessons along the way. For Cheryl and Gordon, it’s been
                                                                           not to be judgmental, as we all have to live together. Smile a
                                                                           lot, as things will turn out OK in the end. Don’t take life too   pApilloNlANdSCApES.Com.AU
                                                                           seriously, be able to laugh at yourself. And when it rains in the
                                                                           tropics, enjoy the moment, and run barefoot.                   (07) 4099 1483
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          thE poiNt villAS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PHOTO CREDIT: Catseye Productions
                                                                                                                                         QBCC 1199540
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