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         & MARK


         They say home is where the heart is. However,   were supported by some truly amazing people who   After you have visited Port Douglas it’s one of those
         for dynamic duo Cassie and Mark Flinn, owners   believed in them.        places that lives rent-free in your heart.
         of the new Ray White Port Douglas it also flows   Cassie and Mark are living in the centre of the sphere   “Through selling real estate it is amazing how many
         into the workplace.                 of living and working together that wholly balances   people I have seen leave the town for different
         It’s safe  to say  for  Cassie and  Mark life has  been   each other. Mark is the engine; he is the power and   reasons,” explains Mark, “for example to live closer
         anything but  cookie-cutter.  From  finding  love   inspiration behind the entire team. Cassie is the   to family, but then eventually move back again.
         during schoolies, something that seems as far-  creative one and the background organiser, which   “I always ask them what brought you back again,
         fetched as finding affordable property in the Eastern   allows  Mark  to  help  look  after  all  their  amazing   and most will say I wanted to bring my kids up in a
         Suburbs of Sydney, to beach-hopping and surfing   clients and awesome team.  better place or I missed the weather and the town.”
         the East Coast which finally led them to palm   When not working, the family is enjoying the
         fringed Port Douglas.               splendours that make the region special, whether
         The charismatic pair have been the yin to the other’s   it’s  camping  with  friends,  fishing,  wakeboarding,
         yang working together as travel partners, parents,   trail bike riding, beach hangs or dining out in one
         renovators, and now in real estate for more than 21   of the amazing restaurants. The uniqueness of their
         years.                              home is never lost.
         Before navigating life and business on a daily basis,
         the plan was simple; pack up and hit the open road
         from their home in Melbourne to wherever the next
         beach town was. Working to save up for the VW
         Kombi, their adventure was accelerated with an
         impulse auction buy from Cassie’s devoted dad. A
         Coaster Bus decked out with a kitchen, bathroom,
         bed, two ex-postie motorbikes on a trailer, and a
         tinnie on the roof, it was time to scratch their feet.
         The sun-kissed blonde nomads set off with a convoy
         of mates who farewelled them at the NSW border as
         they continued, living the dream.
         Reality set in as the petrol kitty started to dry up by
         the time they reached Cairns. Jobs were needed to
         replenish and keep the adventure moving. On a hot
         tip, they were told to head north to Port Douglas to
         the Sheraton Grand Mirage. Once their home on
         wheels turned the bend up the jaw-dropping Great
         Barrier Reef Drive and revealed the palm trees and
         the Coral Sea at Ellis Beach, a place where dreams
         come true, the two young lovers knew they were
         never going back. That was 23 years ago.
         Location. Location. Location. The kerb appeal of
         the Douglas Shire’s natural beauty, sunshine, and
         relaxed lifestyle captured them. However, it was
         the bones of the community that sold them, even if
         it meant being far from family, friends and Mark’s
         beloved Geelong Cats.
         “The friendly nature and community spirit of the
         town, it’s like no other town in Australia in my
         opinion. It is a special place that has lots of unique
         people who all call it home,” Mark shares.
         “We have treasured friends from all over the world
         that we met in this little North Queensland town.
         It’s a kaleidoscope of amazing people and everyone’s
         story is different, yet we all have a sense of gratitude
         to be able to call this amazing region home,” says
         They wouldn’t have any other place to raise their two
         beautiful girls in the caring close-knit community.
         When the opportunity was presented for Mark to
         become a Selling Principal of an all-new Ray White
         Port Douglas, they took a leap of faith knowing they

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