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                                A warm welcome to those of you who have joined us in the Port Douglas & Daintree region. If you’re
                                a first time visitor or one of our regulars, we are all delighted to be sharing our little piece of paradise
                                with you.
                                My partner’s family has been coming up to this region for a number of years, first visiting in the late
                                70’s.  Two young children in tow and a trip that would have been considered more rugged travelling by
                                car.  Recently, my father-in-law shared a memory of their first trip north. Destined for Port Douglas and
                                the beautiful Cape Tribulation in the Daintree, it echoed lots of qualities that have been so important
                                in recent times.  The need to think outside of the box, build resilience and perseverance, give thanks
                                for acts of kindness and rejoice in positive outcomes. And besides, their vision offered some good old-
                                fashioned fun memories.
          After several hours of travel, game number 23 finished with eye spy (yes, not an iPhone in sight!), the family encountered a bit of a hiccup.
          A stone from the dirt road struck their windscreen causing it to shatter.  Reacting quickly to the situation, Paul managed to knock a hole
          in the screen to allow them to see through it, giving them the time to pull over to a safe spot to assess the damage.  No RACQ membership
          but not far from their destination, they decided to punch on to Port where they hoped they would find help.  Removing as much of the
          remaining windscreen as they could, safety first, they needed to counter the possibility of rogue shards of glass flying through the car and
          hitting the children.  To the car boot they went to unload some of the holiday essentials... their snorkelling gear!
          Yes, with masks securely on their faces, a snorkel optional they got back in the car and completed their road trip to their destination.  Oh,
          how I wish there were photos. Can you imagine the faces of those passing them - priceless!
          On reaching Port Douglas unscathed, fellow campers helped them patch up the car as best they could to see them through until repairs
          were made. They finally sat down to the offer of a cool glass of homemade lemonade and no doubt a beer to calm the nerves after their
          We have certainly come a long way since then, a sealed road included.
          Now to plan your own adventures, keep those pages turning as we have an issue full of great experiences, inspirational people, delicious
          food and everything in between to help you enjoy your time with us.
          And falling back to hazy days of the 70’s, you will still find all of those good vibes for which this area was famous. The beauty, the
          history, the laid-back ambiance and not least our wonderful community, ready to help a mate and focused on making your holiday one
          to remember. 

          Whatever you choose
          Enjoy your time.


          Arlian & Karin         PHOTOGRAPHERS            GUEST FEATURE WRITERS
          Ashleigh Ernest        Alison George,           Jacqueline Long
          Chrissie McLaughlin    Catseye Productions      Michael Joseph
          Damian Meadows         Denya & Riley, @plentyofdust  Sarah Mulcahy
          David Imgraben                                  Emma Tunnock
          Devra King             Katie Purling Photography
          Hunt Design            Larissa Dening Photography
          Joanie Doran           Raine Ward, Rainemaker Media
          Karen Jones
          Marlene and Rohan      Sarah Jenkins,
          Matt & Holly           @ discovering_port_douglas                                       READ ONLINE
          Nicky Swan             The Seitter Woodhouse                      
          Pete West & Louise Polain
          Rachael Hodges                                                                           @port.douglas
          Wendy Morris                                                                    /PortDouglasTravelPlanner

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