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Holiday Reads

                          Is there any better way to relax on holiday than to lounge poolside with a pager turner?
                               Whileaway Bookshop & Cafe select some of  their best reads of  the season.

            CHRISTMAS SHOPAHOLIC                SILVER                              JOSEPHINES GARDEN
            Sophie Kinsella                                                         Stephanie Parkyn
                                                Chris Hammer
            Fiction                             Thriller                            Non-Fiction
            Becky Brandon adores Christmas. It’s always                             France  1794:  In  the  aftermath  of  the  end  of
            the same - Mum and Dad hosting, carols playing,   For  half  a  lifetime,  journalist  Martin  Scarsden   the French Revolution, Rose de Beauharnais
                                                has run from his past. But now there is no
            Mum  pretending  she  made the  Christmas                               stumbles from prison on the day she is to be
            pudding, and the next door neighbours coming   escaping.  He  vowed  never  to  return  to  his   guillotined. Within a decade, she’ll transform into
                                                hometown, Port Silver, and it’s traumatic
            round for sherry in their terrible festive jumpers.  memories.But now his new partner, Mandy   the scandalous socialite who marries Napoleon
            But this year looks set to be different. Unable                         Bonaparte, become Empress Josephine of
            to resist the draw of craft beer and smashed   Blonde, has inherited an old house in the   France and build a garden of wonders with
                                                seaside town and Martin knows their chance
            avocado, Becky’s parents are moving to ultra                            plants and animals she gathers from across the
            trendy Shoreditch and have asked Becky if   of a new life together won’t come again.Martin   globe. But she must give Bonaparte an heir or
                                                arrives to find his best friend from school days
            she’ll  host  Christmas  this  year.  What  could   has been brutally murdered, and Mandy is the   she risks losing everything.
            possibly  go  wrong?  A  brilliant  laugh-out-loud                      Two different women from very different spheres
            festive novel.                      chief suspect. Martin goes searching for the   are  tied  to  the  fate  of  Josephine  -  Marthe
                                                killer and finds the past waiting for him.  Desfriches  and Anne Serreaux. Their lives
                                                An enthralling and propulsive thriller from   are put at risk as they each face confronting
                                                the acclaimed and best selling author of   obstacles in their relationships and in their desire
                                                Scrublands.                         to become mothers.
                                                                                    A  richly  imagined  historical  novel  about
                                 HALLIDAY WINE COMPANION 2020                       obsession, courage, love and marriage.
                                 James Halliday
                                 Wine Guide
                                 The  go-to  guide  for  wine  ratings,  regions,  best  varietals   For more great reads visit the team at
                                 and a curated selection of the best wines in Australia. In   Whileaway Bookshop & Cafe
                                 his inimitable style, Halliday shares his extensive knowledge
                                 through detailed tasting notes and advice plus information   2/43 Macrossan St,
                                 about wineries and winemakers.                         Port Douglas
                                 The perfect self-purchase of gift for the wine lover in your life.

                                                       Local Writ s                                 Big Sell !

                                    ALAN & ELAINE HORSFIELD

                               POETRY, STORIES & EDUCATIONAL TEXTS
                                      BOOKS SUITABLE FOR 4 TO 16 YEAR OLDS
                                   ALAN AND ELAINE ARE OFTEN AT THE PORT DOUGLAS
                                       SUNDAY MARKETS FOR SALES AND SIGNINGS.
                                                   FOR A FULL COLLECTION SEE
                             • [email protected]
                                        A wide range of kids' and YA b ks f  h iday reading
                                                 Pirates of Tahiti coming soon!
                     Upside Dn B k!

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