Page 84 - Port Douglas Magazine 30
P. 84

Alexandra Lookout

                                TAKE A WALK ON THE

                                     WILD SIDE

                         Tropical North Queensland is one big outdoor adventure and hidden under
                           the forest canopies hugging Port Douglas are trails filled with free range
                                   nature play for your tribe to take a walk on the wild side.
                                                      WORDS by Cassie Flinn
          So let’s switch up family FUNday by simply   palms looking back along the entire sandy   track levels out and takes you another 2kms
          lacing up your sneakers, locking away   beach stretch continuing then further up   into the rainforest where you can trek across
          your wallet, and hanging up your car keys.   to a super fun suspended viewing platform   an unkept trail to the waterfall or along a
          It’s time to head for the hills.  It’s all about   over the Coral Sea. The dirt track then heads   maintained track to Robbins Creek for a
          inhaling the green goodness, soaking up   into native bushland with a series of varying   safe splash about and cool down. Then it’s a
          the wild sights and sounds and exhaling   gradient hills and steps rewarded with   matter of what goes up must come down for
          the everyday stresses when you explore the   pocket views across the Daintree Ranges,   the return trip which the kids will zip through.
          jungle tracks with your tiny trail blazers.  Snapper Island and Low Isles. There is a
                                             water fountain and a seat mid-way for a little   Hartleys Creek Waterfall
               TOP 5 TRACKS                  rest and recovery and a peaceful welcome at   If your gang has stamina in spades then head
                                             Little Cove where the youngsters are likely to   off  the  beaten  track  in  search  of  Hartley’s
           For eco exploring families to immerse,   make a run for it to climb the giant fig tree or   Creek Waterfall. This 7km return adventure
              unplug & reconnect in nature   play in the park.                   starts at Wangetti on the Captain Cook
                                                                                 Highway and follows the creek uphill along a
                  Flagstaff Hill                       Bump Track                bush track. At about 2.5kms it opens up with
          Fastly becoming a ‘must do’ in Port is the   The  popular  section  of  this  track  in  the   granite rock formations and shady rainforest
          Flagstaff  Hill Walking  track  which connects   Mowbray Valley packs a punch with no warm-  that you can slide into for a quick dip with
          the iconic Four Mile Beach and Rex Smeal   up path, instead an instant hill and steps to   flowing  water.  Then  it’s  time  to  soldier  on
          Park around the outer rim of Port Douglas’s   climb up amongst the Eucalypts to almost   continuously striding up and down from
          peninsula. You can opt to join the 1.5km   400m above sea level. When you proudly   ridge to creek bed. The final stage requires
          track from either insta worthy viewpoints or   conquer  the  first  2kms  look  out  across  the   some rock scrambling to reach the waterfall
          make it a 3km return trip.         ranges to the Coral Sea and waterfall in the   and crystal clear swimming hole but it is
          Starting off beachside begins with a series of   valley. Along the way there are lots of stop   totally worth the soothing sounds, cool
          steps that bring you high above the coconut   points to catch your breath with historic   water temps and absolute serenity … well as
                                             information to read together. From here the   much peace as you can have with kids in tow.
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