Page 92 - Port Douglas Magazine 30
P. 92


                   20 YEARS IN THE MAKING

                                                    Words by HOWARD SALKOW

                                                                                           Image: Kate Hewitt Landscape Design
                he traditional cue to a film crew at the beginning of a take may   purchased the land in 2000 and are in the process of transforming
                refer to: Lights … Camera … Action … and as cinematography   the  seven-acre  site  into  a  beachfront  enclave  offering  exclusive
                and television  have captured  our imagination over many   features in a pristine and secluded environment.
         Tyears, it’s never been questioned where these three sharply   Although  they  have  been  ‘sitting’  on  the  land  for  19  years,  David
          directed words can be heard.                         believes this investment and development – the name of the property
          In 1998 and 2003 respectively, the producers and directors of epic   has since been changed to The Beach Residences – is appropriately
          war film Thin Red Line and the children’s TV series Pirate Islands,   justified and suitably timed.
          discovered that a remote, rustic and an off-the-beaten track of land   His decision to embark on the project is his strong affiliation with Port
          in Port Douglas would be the ideal location for some of their shoots.  Douglas, which has never wavered since celebrating his honeymoon
          The actors and camera crews have long moved on, to be replaced by   in the port in 1996, and when he bought Villa Hemingway. Located
          construction equipment which is turning this seven-acre, small, dirt   on 1 Island Point Road, this magnificent mansion with breathtaking
          road off Mitre Street – it sits adjacent to Pullman Sea Temple Resort   uninterrupted sea and coastal views, is currently on the market for
          and Spa and is a low iron onto the fourth fairway at Palmer Sea Reef   $10.8 million.
          Golf Course – into a dream ocean-front location. It has long been   David and Jane like to recall they had no real plans to buy on their
          known to the locals as Mango Beach.                  honeymoon, but after spending the better part of their time in a local
          The key players now in this projected Port Douglas ‘developmental   realtor’s car, they bought Villa Hemingway on the Friday before they
          blockbuster’  are property  developers  David and Jane Lucas, who   flew home.

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