Page 85 - Port Douglas Magazine 30
P. 85

Cape Tribulation Boardwalk

                   Mossman Gorge                you can follow the fringing coastal forest   swim safely and always adhere to the
                                                                                    warnings, check the conditions and scout
            The rainforest circuit at the magical   from the beach where the kids can swing on   your surroundings before taking a dip in our
                                                the vines on the pathway up to the lookout.
            Mossman Gorge combines two tracks with   Amazing views sparkle over the Coral Sea   local beaches, creeks and waterholes.
            the first easily navigated and manageable by   where the rainforest meets the reef and   Know  your  limits … aim to set off for
            all abilities under the shade of the towering   across to the northern ranges. The little   morning adventures when the kids have
            rainforest canopy. It begins on raised   people will organically learn along this slow-  their most energy, ensure the track is
            environmentally accredited boardwalks with   paced journey and leave becoming instant   suitable for your family level of fitness and
            views below to the forest floor and tranquil   protectors and eco warriors of this unique   age of mini walkers or be prepared for a
            creeks, then across to the viewing platform   environment.              piggy back marathon. Time the walk so you
            of the mighty Mossman River rushing over                                know how long it will take to return to base
            the giant boulders. Now trek across the      TOP 5 TIPS                 but don’t rush the experience, taking lots of
            Rex Creek Suspension Bridge like jungle                                 breaks. Let them be the guides and set the
            explorers and tackle the 2.4 km circuit with    To make hiking fun and nurture the   pace, just try and keep up!
            views of Mount Demi and the sounds of    staying power of little legs
            rainforest wildlife.  Take a detour on your way                         Pot of gold … walk to a reward, keep it
            back down to the sandy riverbed to chill your   Pack  your  survival  kit...  Include plenty   fun and encourage the kids to explore.
            tootsies, search for jungle perch, swim safely   of drinking water and high energy snacks   Sing songs, play ‘I SPY’ and set goals for
            or just let time stand still in this special spot   like bliss balls and fruit to refuel and a well-  the hike with guessing games about what
            of the Kuku Yalanji people.         deserved lolly for a sugar hit. Don’t forget   may be around the next corner. It may be
                                                sunscreen, insect repellent, a first aid kit and   a magical waterfall, a cool creek crossing
                   Cape Tribulation             your mobile phone to capture the memories   or a mesmerising lookout.  Stop for a picnic
            In the heart of the world’s oldest rainforest   or call for emergencies.  or play to recharge their batteries and keep
            is a series of relaxing boardwalks that offer   Wear the right gear ...You  don’t  have   them on the hook for the return walk with ice
            a “choose your own” adventure through   to  look  like  you have  just  walked  out  of  a   cream of course!
            a World Heritage listed area. The Madja   Kathmandu catalogue but footwear and   Follow Cassie and her family on their
            Botanical Walk is an effortless short pathway   clothing made for exercise in the great   adventures finding all the best “hot spots”
            through  lush  rainforest  and  interesting  fact   outdoors really do keep you comfy and help   in Tropical North Queensland and beyond.
            boards to Oliver Creek where you may just   eliminate the little voices saying “my feet
            spot a crocodile swimming on by.  Dubuji   hurt” and “I’m hot” on repeat.
            Boardwalk is a 1.8km stretch through giant   Do your homework … check the weather
            fan palms and mangrove systems teaming   report as the tropics really know how to         /littleonesupnorth
            with life. This opens out on the white sands
            of Myall Beach for some fun beach combing   rain or shine. Rainforest humidity can zap
            but  definitely  no  swimming  in  salty  croc   energy levels and wet season rain can turn   @littleonesupnorth
                                                dry trails into mud slides.  Mother Nature is
            country. At the headland of Cape Tribulation
                                                an ever-changing environment so please
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