Page 73 - Port Douglas Magazine 41
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 PARADISE                                                                Executive Chef Belinda Tuckwell
                                                                         in the onsite herb garden

              Rum Masterclass

 Iconic Port Douglas Resort’s Commitment   Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort Port Douglas
 To Responsible Business Practices
             BEING WASTE-WISE
 WHEN  A VISITOR STEPS  into Sheraton Grand  Mirage Port
 Douglas, they may immediately be taken by the palm-lined   With 7 unique bars and restaurants and one of Queensland’s most
 driveway,  the  glittering  pools  and  the  expansive  tropical   fertile farming-regions nearby, the resort kitchens are stocked with
 grounds. But beyond the impressive  façade  of Australia’s   local, responsibly  sourced  produce. But green-measures  in the
 most iconic beachfront resort is a revolutionary sustainability   kitchen go beyond lettuce grown on the Atherton Tablelands.
 program that aims to help preserve the country’s first eco-  The culinary team processes all organic food-waste through a high-

 certified tourism destination.    output composter. Using a natural enzyme, the machine can transform
             200kg of waste a day into a nutrient-rich fertilizer used in the resort
 ECO-CHIC ESCAPE  gardens which eliminates up to 73 tonnes of landfi ll per year.
 Mindful  of its location  between  two UNESCO World Heritage   As plastic accounts for almost 80% of the world’s ocean pollution, with
 sites, the Great Barrier Reef and Daintree Rainforest, the resort   repercussions for people and ecosystems alike, all guest rooms are

 minimizes its environmental impact through water conservation,   equipped with refillable bottles with filling stations located throughout
 energy efficiency, and a reduction in both carbon emissions and   the property. Assuming every guest consumes on average two bottles

 landfill.   of drinking water per day, this initiative prevents an estimated 2 million   Filtered water stations

 The  resort’s  long  term  focus  on  sustainability  made  it  a  finalist   plastic bottles a year from entering landfill or ending up in the region’s
             fragile marine environment.
 in the  Tropical  North  Queensland  Tourism  Industry  Awards  for
 Sustainable Excellence in 2023.
 SWIM SUSTAINABLY  Not  only have  the  kitchens and  laundry  facilities been  updated with

 You may have  pictured  yourself  sipping cocktails poolside,  but   energy-efficient  equipment  and  appliances,  but  energy-efficient  LED
             lights have replaced traditional bulbs throughout the entire property.
 what you may not  know is that  the  resort’s  pools  are one  of   Even the golf buggies and the resort’s own transport vehicle are electric.
 the  property’s most impressive  sustainability  features.  Hidden
 beneath  a  grassy  hill on the  resort’s  perimeter  is an advanced   In fact, EV drivers can charge their own vehicle at one of the Sheraton’s
 saltwater harvesting system that sources water directly from the   six onsite charging stations.

 To offset daily water loss due to evaporation, this innovative system   CONNECTING FOR CONSERVATION
 maintains the pool’s gloriously picturesque water-levels without   Locals and visitors can come together to create a positive impact by
 reliance on the Douglas Shire’s precious fresh water supply. Using   joining a Good Travel with Marriot Bonvoy activity which is a citizen
 sea water also eliminates the need for added chlorine, with a salt   science  project  facilitated  by the  Tangaroa Blue Foundation.  It’s
 conversion and filtration system, creating safe, swimmable water   an impactful morning of collecting, sorting, and cataloguing marine

 for guests to enjoy day in and day out.     debris  found  on  Four  Mile  Beach.  The  findings  are  placed  into  the
 Water conservation at the resort doesn’t end with the pools – the   Australian Marine Debris Database and used to identify problems at
 grounds are home to an intelligent irrigation system using ground   the source and used by industry and government to create change
 and storm water, and all guest rooms are equipped with low-flow   on a large scale.  Organic waste composter

 taps, showerheads and toilets.
             EXPLORE MORE
 SUNSET SESSIONS  The resort’s Virtual Concierge puts all the answers at your fingertips. Not only can you

 While the pools are reserved for the use of in-house guests, visitors and   learn more about the resort’s sustainability initiatives, you can also make a dinner
 locals alike are invited to sip and swim the evening away at the resort’s     Sheraton Sunset Sessions  reservation, book a High Tea, or sign up for a Sugar Cane Rum Masterclass.
 once-monthly Sheraton Sunset Sessions.  TIP When visiting be sure to subscribe to the newsletter and you’ll always be ‘in the know’.
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