Page 75 - Port Douglas Magazine 41
P. 75



                The future is eco-friendly innovation

            WORDS by Maura Mancini
            ANTICIPATION FILLS THE AIR as we prepare to   Electric propulsion systems aren’t just a   SHAPING THE FUTURE OF ECO-TOURISM
            set sail from Port Douglas aboard Sailaway’s   novelty. They’ve been around since the 19th   As a Sailaway crew member aboard sailing
            catamaran.  It’s no ordinary  workday,  as  I   century! However, only recent advancements   catamarans and now  the EV Discovery,
            eagerly anticipate the adventure of exploring   in  technology have made  them a game-  I’m proud to be part of a team shaping the
            the azure waters of the Great Barrier Reef in a   changer  in  the  world  of marine  application   future of eco-tourism. Every day, we strive to
            whole new way. A new vessel, the EV Discovery,   and travel. Unlike traditional engines, electric   inspire awareness and appreciation for our
            Sailaway Port Douglas’s latest addition to the   motors produce zero emissions, reducing   planet’s natural wonders. Yet, our exploration

            fleet, awaits our crew and guests, moored near   pollution and safeguarding  the delicate   is  not  merely  about  observation;  it’s  about
            the sandy cay of Low Isle.          ecosystems in which they operate. With their   education and conservation. Together, we’re
            The setting holds the promise of a fun and   silent operation,  they offer an undisturbed   proving  that responsible  tourism isn’t just
            eco-friendly experience  amidst  a  world   experience for both passengers and marine   possible - it’s essential.  As EV Discovery
            teeming with marine life.           life alike.                         glides across the blue waters, guests witness
                                                                                    the wonders of  the reef while we leave
            A MILESTONE IN CONSERVATION                                             behind nothing but gentle ripples. The silent

            The brainchild of Sailaway’s  visionary Steve   “The Low Isles was the first place for   propulsion allows us to approach marine life
            Edmondson, the EV Discovery isn’t just any   coral research in 1928, so the fact   with utmost care, granting our passengers an

            boat; it’s a purpose-built wonder of eco-  that we are operating the world’s first   immersive encounter with nature. The glass
            tourism and marine  technology.  This sleek  ‘eTender’ there is a nice addition to that   bottom of  this  vessel offers a portal into
            vessel is  the world’s first all-electric  tender   record.”             the  vibrant realm beneath  the waves, coral

            and  glass  bottom  boat,  running  entirely  on                        gardens  bursting with  life, and  an array of
            clean, renewable energy. Its lithium battery   - Steve Edmondson        marine species that will leave you spellbound.
            banks are recharged via solar power. As well,                           From graceful sea  turtles  to elusive reef
            the ability to connect wind turbines ensures                            sharks, each sighting serves as a testament

            it remains “off-grid, on reef,” even when the   Steve’s aspiration is  that others will follow   to the magnificence and resilience of nature’s
            sun isn’t shining in this tropical paradise.   suit, recognising  the imperative need  to   playground.
            Building this world first, Steve’s vision faced   preserve the planet for generations to come.   Come and experience  the difference of

            some formidable challenges, from ensuring   “I like to think Sailaway is an inspiration for   our eco-friendly excursions and embark
            safety to tackling offshore conditions while   increasing awareness and appreciation of our   on a journey  to protect and preserve our
            maximising  the use of renewable energy.   fragile, naturally beautiful environment,” he   planet’s most precious treasures. Take home
            Despite these  hurdles, the  vessel’s  electric   says,                 memories that will last a lifetime, yet leave
            outboards provide ample power  to support   “Leading the way towards a future where off-  only footprints.
            our daily tour schedules allowing us to explore   grid, sustainable boating is the norm.”
            pristine natural environments.
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