Page 115 - Port Douglas Magazine 40
P. 115

Fun facts about group
        names of sea life on the

        Great Barrier Reef (GBR)

                                                            did you know?

                                                                                            SMACK OF JELLYFISH
                                                                  The term “smack” refers to a large group of jellyfi sh, and it’s fi tting
                                                                                     given the potential sting they can deliver.
                                                                   Some of the jellyfi sh species in the area include the box jellyfi sh
                   POD OF DOLPHINS                                                               and the Irukandji jellyfi sh.

                   Dolphins are highly social creatures that     Always swim in the beach stinger net and wear suitable protection,
                   often travel and hunt in groups called pods.    a stinger suit, especially during the months of November to May.
                   The GBR is home to several species
                   of dolphins, including the common                           SCHOOL OF CLOWNFISH
                   bottlenose dolphin, spinner dolphins and
                   the Indo-Pacifi c humpback dolphin.                          Clownfi sh are known for their striking
                                                                                    colours and unique behaviour.
                   These intelligent marine mammals are
                   frequently spotted playing and leaping in                They form small groups, called schools,
                                                                                 usually led by a dominant female.
                                                                                   Just like Nemo, the relationship
                                                                             between clownfi sh and sea anemones
            SQUAD OF SQUID                                                           is an iconic sight on the reef.
            Squid are agile and intelligent cephalopods   FEVER OF RAYS
            that inhabit the waters of the GBR.      Rays, including manta rays and stingrays,
            They are known to travel in groups, called   are common in the waters around the GBR.
            squads, which helps protect them from    The term “fever” is used to describe a
            predators.                               group of rays.
            Squid are essential prey for many larger marine   These graceful creatures are known for
            animals in the reef ecosystem.           their distinctive wing-like fi ns and are often   SCHOOL OR SHIVER OF
                                                     spotted gliding over the sandy seabed.
                                                                                               The GBR is home to a diverse
            CAST OF CRABS                                                                     range of shark species, including
            Crabs are abundant on beaches, in rock pools and coral reefs.                    reef, tiger and hammerhead sharks.
            As a group they are known as a “cast”.
                                                                                              Sharks are known to form groups
            Crabs play a vital role in the ecosystem, contributing to                        called schools or shivers, especially
            nutrient cycling and serving as both predator and prey.                             during migration or feeding.
                                                                                              Contrary to popular belief, many
                                                                                              shark species are not solitary and
                                           POD OR GAM OF WHALES                                  exhibit social behaviours.

                                           The GBR is a migratory path for several species of whales,
                                           including humpback whales. They are a sight to behold!
                                           Humpback whales, in particular, travel in groups known as
                                           pods or gams.
                                           These majestic marine mammals are often seen breaching   So now you can impress your
                                           and tail-slapping as part of their social behaviours.  friends and family with some of
                                                                                                these interesting fun facts!
                                                                                              The Great Barrier Reef as a truly
               BALE OF SEA TURTLES                                                             unique and vibrant ecosystem.
               The GBR is a crucial nesting area for several species of sea                    Make sure you experience this
                                                                                                   wonderful sanctuary.
               turtles, including the green sea turtle and the loggerhead turtle.
               Sea turtles often gather in groups, especially during nesting                    And remember to always…
               season, when females come ashore to lay their eggs.                            Tread Lightly and leave only your
               A group of sea turtles is known as a “bale.”                                         footprint behind!
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