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Taylor’s College, a decision that set the stage   Townsville coastline, captured his attention.   comfortable island transfers but also offering
          for his future.                    It  was  the acquisition of  this island in 2011   visitors once in a lifetime experiences. Aerial
          Keep  in  mind that this  was  a time  when   that ignited the expansion of his Queensland   perspectives of famous reef, rainforest and
          computers were still shrouded in mystery.  tourism empire.             outback destinations but also custom-made
          It was in 1978 that Chris founded stock transfer   When we gently enquired, “Was investment   adventures like a picnic on top of a waterfall
          company Computershare.             in the Far North part of your original 5- or 10-  or a remote sand cay wedding elopement?
          During  these  early  days  of computers,   year plan?” a small chuckle escaped his lips:   No problem.
          characterised by uncertainty over share   “Nothing I have done in life has ever really   In search of a mainland base, Chris then set his
          ownership, Computershare emerged as a   been planned!” Wow! A strong belief in, “Trust   sights  on  the Townsville  casino,  recognising
          pioneer in developing systems to bridge this   and  follow  your  gut  instinct!”  Certainly,  for   its value as a worthy addition to his portfolio.
          gap.                               Chris  and  his  family,  it  has  provided  for  an   While  the $70m million price  tag seemed
          It is safe  to say  that  thanks  to his mother’s   interesting and prosperous life.  high at the time it has proved to be one of
                                                                                 the best investments he has ever made.
          instrumental decision, Chris  went on  to
          establish one of the globe’s most significant                          Chris  appreciated that  visitors to the
          companies, now boasting offices spanning   “A SMALL CHUCKLE            region  seemed  keen  to  experience  the
          20 countries across five continents and                                unique. Conscious of  their environmental
          employing 18,000 staff.                     ESCAPED HIS LIPS:          impact,  this  was an important factor  too.
          After  taking  Computershare  public  in  2001,   “NOTHING I HAVE      It  was Chris’ daughter, Hayley,  who has
                                                                                 dedicated a lot of time and energy into this
          Chris stepped away from the board in 2021                              area. Hayley’s portfolio includes a strong
          while maintaining a significant shareholding.   DONE IN LIFE HAS       emphasis on sustainability, encompassing
          The stage  was set for his journey into  the                           initiatives  to help preserve  the Great Barrier
          realm of his tourism empire.                EVER REALLY BEEN           Reef amongst others. As a family,  they also
          BUILDING HIS QUEENSLAND                                                established  Morris  Family  Foundation.
          TOURISM EMPIRE                                                         Their goal? To continue to invest in projects
                                                                                 and organisations  with meaningful social,
          From that point forward Chris began investing                          economic and environmental impact both at
          in  things  that  interested  him  -  aviation,  a   Focused on  the guest experience, Chris   home in Australia, and internationally.
          brewery,  and  a  resort  portfolio  centred  on   realised he needed to ensure the journey to   Contrary to the common notion that working
          North Queensland.                  Orpheus  was comfortable, consistent and   with family can be challenging, Chris believes
          His  very first acquisition in 1988  was close   easy to  organise.  In this vision, the  decision   in  the advantages of  working  with family,
          to home, buying  the  well-known  Victorian   to buy Nautilus  Aviation aligned perfectly.   highlighting the natural trust that builds these
          Portsea Hotel. It was a decision that ignited a   From  humble  beginnings  of  one  seaplane   bonds.
          series of actions.                 and  a  small  helicopter,  the  fleet  has  grown   One such bond is  with his sister, Penelope
          The first allure of North Queensland called   to an impressive 45 helicopters. Nautilus now   Maclagan. Penny contributed significantly to
          out  when Orpheus Island, situated off  the   dominates the top end of Australia, facilitating
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