Page 21 - Port Douglas Magazine 39
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                                                                      Chris Morris has built a tourism empire on intuition,
                                                                     and with this instinct has shaped  the face of North
                                                                             Queensland tourism writes JAMIE JANSEN

                                                                  PICTURE A PERFECT DAY IN PORT DOUGLAS, where the Coral Sea is
                                                                  calm as a mirror and a gentle breeze whispers through the air. It was
                                                                  on one of those idyllic days that Magazine Editor Sarah Cullen and I
                                                                  had the opportunity to step aboard the M.Y. Beluga - undeniably one
                                                                  of the most prestigious yachts docked at the Port Douglas Superyacht
                                                                  Our purpose for boarding  this  vessel  wasn’t a reef excursion - in
                                                                  fact, the M.Y. Beluga didn’t leave the marina - but rather to meet its
                                                                  illustrious owner, Chris Morris.
                                                                  Chris’ name is synonymous with transformative ventures in Australia
                                                                  and a name that continues to hold significant influence in shaping
                                                                  North Queensland’s tourism sector.
                                                                  Operating within Morris Group, an independent family-run Australian
                                                                  business spanning tourism, hospitality, technology, and aviation, he
                                                                  captains various businesses across Australia.
                                                                  In Queensland, Chris Morris is most notably recognised for the $70
                                                                  million facelift of the Townsville Casino, once among Australia’s lowest
                                                                  performing venues. Rebranded as The Ville, the casino has transformed
                                                                  into a luxurious resort and premier entertainment hub.
                                                                  He introduced new dining establishments and bars that amplify the
                                                                  breathtaking views towards Magnetic Island, along with the planned
                                                                  upscale hotel adjacent to the casino. It is an effort that has and will
                                                                  effectively revitalise Townsville’s tourism industry.
                                                                  This significant undertaking  followed Chris’ first  investment in
                                                                  Queensland;  the acquisition of Orpheus Island.  An acquisition  that
                                                                  served as the catalyst for his foray into Far North Queensland’s tourism
                                                                  sector,  where Morris Group now operates Nautilus  Aviation, Morris
                                                                  Nautical, the Northern Escape Collection and the Julatten Hotel.
                                      “DRIVEN BY A SIMPLE         It is an impressive portfolio and quite some investment in Far North
                                     ASPIRATION – STEADY          Queensland from a boy who heralds from Victoria.
                                        EMPLOYMENT – HIS          However, before delving into  that chapter, his journey unfolds as a
                                                                  captivating tale and serves as a testament to the unexpected turns
                                             MOTHER MADE          life can take.
                                           A DECISION THAT        THANKS MUM
                                  UNKNOWINGLY LAID THE            The roots of Chris’ story reach back to Melbourne.
                                     FOUNDATION FOR THE           During his high school  years, he found most subjects a challenge,
                                                                  except for one: maths. While his siblings pursued university educations,
                                      COURSE OF HIS LIFE.”        Chris didn’t feel drawn to that route.
                                                                  Driven by a simple aspiration – steady employment – his mother made
                                                                  a decision that unknowingly laid the foundation for the course of his
                                                                  life. In 1966, she enrolled him in Australia’s first computer course at
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