Page 12 - Port Douglas Magazine 39
P. 12


         ORIGIN OF


          Origin Espresso shines like a beacon
          to coffee lovers in the Far North,
          writes Maura Mancini

          The aroma of espresso was a familiar comfort back in   his wife Lucy visited several places across Australia,
          my home country Italy, but it wasn’t until I set foot in   Port Douglas captured their hearts like no other. The
          Australia’s Port Douglas that my coffee journey truly   serenity of the place, the rustling coconut palms, and
          began. It’s where I crossed paths with Neo, a barista with   the sun-kissed beaches cast an irresistible spell, drawing
          a passion that spills into every cup. That sip of coffee   them to settle here. It was in Port Douglas that Neo
          held more than just flavour; it held a piece of Neo’s heart   encountered Glenn, the previous coffee master of
          and the essence of what is also known in the coffee   Origin Cafe, who introduced him to the Australian way
          world as the “Gift From God”.           of crafting coffee. At the onset of his barista journey in
                                                  Port Douglas, Neo encountered scepticism from many
          In the picturesque town of Port Douglas, where the   who doubted a young Korean like him could master the
          tropical breeze carries the aroma of freshly brewed   art of creating the perfect flat white - a quintessential
          coffee, a unique coffee culture thrives. From the bustling   Australian invention (sometimes credited to New
          main  street  to  the  tranquil  waterfront,  cafes  and   Zealand). Amidst the hesitation, Neo’s dedication
          coffee shops dot the landscape, each offering a unique   shone.
          experience  for coffee enthusiasts. Among  them,  Café
          Origin Espresso stands out not only for its exceptional
          coffee but also for the passionate barista behind the   THE ORIGIN OF ESPRESSO FROM CRAFTING
          scene - Neo.                            COFFEE EXCELLENCE TO THE “GIFT OF GOD”
                                                  Neo learnt the Aussie way of crafting coffee, excelling   WORDS
          THE COFFEE JOURNEY THAT SPANS           in perfecting the medium roast flat white, the most   Maura Mancini
          CONTINENTS TO REACH PORT DOUGLAS        sought-after drink he serves. Unlike the darker Italian
                                                  roasts, Australia sets itself apart on the global stage   PHOTOGRAPHY
          At first a means of livelihood back in Korea more than   by preferring a medium-roasted coffee, achieving a   Michelle Lockwood
          a decade ago, little did Neo know that his humble start   harmonious blend of robustness without overwhelming   Photography
          in the coffee world would lead him to become one of   bitterness.
          Port Douglas’s most dedicated baristas. After Neo and

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