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Lucy & Neo

         allowing precision in bean selection for roasting   of beans echoes the journey from raw to rich,   making, his wife Lucy provides essential feedback
         and blending. Neo embraces the nuance of coffee-  creating a brew that awakens mornings and   on quality and helps manage the business side.
         making like an artist captivated by light on a   sharpens senses.       Together, they have  formed a  harmonious
         canvas. The journey from bean to cup is indeed a                        partnership that has contributed to Origin
         fascinating evolution!                                                  Espresso’s success.
         But the story of coffee’s allure extends beyond                         Behind the captivating story of Neo and Origin
         Neo’s artistry recipes. It stretches back through   “NEO’S DEDICATION   Espresso lies a profound commitment to ethical
         time from the heights of Ethiopian mountains   EXTENDS BEYOND           sourcing and sustainability. Neo’s dedication
         where a goat herder named Kaldi observed his                            extends beyond crafting the perfect cup; it
         goats energetically munching on red berries from   CRAFTING THE         encompasses the well-being of those  involved
         a tree with shiny green leaves. Intrigued, Kaldi                        in the coffee journey. He ensures that the beans
         tried the berries himself and felt a surge of vitality.   PERFECT CUP; IT   he sources are of the highest quality, favouring
         Intrigued, he took some berries to a nearby   ENCOMPASSES THE           organic and fair trade options. By supporting
         monastery.  The  monks  were  shocked  by  the                          ethical sourcing, Neo contributes to a chain that
         berries’ effects and impulsively threw the ‘Devil’s   WELL-BEING OF THOSE   values environmentally sustainable practices and
         Fruit’ into the fire, unintentionally roasting the                      the livelihood of farmers across the globe and
         berries and filling the air with an enticing aroma.   INVOLVED IN THE   the challenge posed by global warming on coffee
         The monks discovered that the roasted beans   COFFEE JOURNEY.”          growing, a concern that threatens the incomes of
         could be turned into a fragrant ebony juice, which                      countless farmers. Neo’s commitment to sourcing
         they used to stay awake during prayers. And thus,                       high-quality beans isn’t limited to global outreach;
         from the ‘Devil’s Fruit,’ emerged the divine ‘Gift                      it also extends to the coffee growers right here in
         from God.’ This unassuming berry quickly swiftly                        Australia, particularly in the nearby fertile lands
         grew in worth, becoming a highly traded global   Amidst this aroma filled-haven, Neo came   of Tableland. Neo values the quality of locally
         commodity. Coffee now ranks second position in   to  understand  that  coffee’s  true  essence  goes   cultivated beans, reflecting his commitment to
         global trade, only behind crude oil.  beyond simple beans and recipes: it’s about the   ethical sourcing and his support for local farmers.
                                             passion and care infused into each cup. Driven
         AIMING FOR PERFECTION, ONE CUP AT A   by this insight, Neo embarked on a mission to   ORIGIN ESPRESSO HUB
         TIME.                               master the art of a barista. With dedication, he
                                             channels his heart and energy into crafting each   Amidst the fierce competition in the coffee
         In the heart of Port Douglas, Neo engages in a   cup, and patrons of Origin Espresso like me can   industry, Neo’s motivation remains rooted in
         captivating weekly ritual - coffee roasting. With   undoubtedly taste the difference.   his pursuit of top-quality coffee. He consistently
         meticulous precision he transforms raw beans                            seeks to refine his craft, catering to locals seeking
         into aromatic wonders, filling the air with a   A  unique  harmony of  love and  coffee  adds   familiarity and travellers yearning for new
         symphony of  flavours. The rhythmic crackling   a distinct dimension to Neo’s life. While he   experiences.
                                             immerses himself in the creative aspect of coffee
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