Page 105 - Port Douglas Magazine 39
P. 105



                     & ROISIN


           Friendship is the single most important factor influencing
                our mental health, well-being, and happiness, but a
                    bloody ripper of a sanga comes a close second.

                        That’s what’s between the slices at Toast Sandwich Bar Port   The two hit it off like a house on fire, lives woven,
                        Douglas - next-level sandwiches, a cool spot for you and   becoming long-time housemates until starting their own
                        your friends to enjoy, oh and of course ridiculously good   families, Luke is Godfather to Roisin’s son.
                        coffee. Owners Luke Headland and Roisin Hudson have   Their friendship is mirrored to the anatomy of a sandwich,
                        de-crowned peanut butter and jelly as the dynamic duo of   two supporting ‘you can count on me’ pieces of wholesome
                        the sandwich world.                      bread, with a whole lot of goodness between; the sauce
                        Toast is a local favourite that has amassed a bit of a cult   is the razzle, the banter, the fun each one brings. Then
                        following with its amped-up signature sangas, jaffles,   there’s your favourite meat, the sustenance – trust, love,
                        bagels, breakfast possibilities, and highly anticipated   and respect. Add a little cheese, it’s the layer of a friendship
                        rotating specials throughout the curated menu. Toast was   that has been aged and forged, the shared highs and lows.
                        conceived when Luke and Roisin saw a need in the market   Finished with a heap of fresh veggies, the growth of the
                        for a delicious twist on the humble handheld staple, great   friendship through all the good, bad, and messy times.
                        food with passion, better than Melbourne coffee, and spot-  So, it really was only a natural progression the two would
                        on hospitality. Over a few glasses of wine, the two hatched   go into business together. Luke manages the day-to-day
                        a plan to pair a contemporary tropical vibe with retro   running of the café, while Roisin takes care of all the fun
                    {     sandwich shop that could.” }           Toast opened in 2019, just six months before that COVID
                        flavours in a deli-style setting.
                                                                 numbery back-end stuff.
                                                                 chestnut hit. A definite challenge to navigate for a relatively
                          “With a knack for the snack and a feel
                                                                 new business, but that worked in their favour, a dollop of
                          for the meal they knew they had the
                                                                 ‘they didn’t know any better’ bliss, kept them moving and
                          right ingredients to make good on a
                                                                 adapting as changes happened.
                                                                 They are gratefully supported the whole time by their
                                                                 amazing hardworking team, loyal customers, and an above-
                                                                 and-beyond attitude. After the setbacks and learning on the
                                                                 fly, the pickle on top of the Reuben is seeing the cafe where
                        The dynamic duo are no strangers to the efforts it takes to   it is now from when they first sat down and discussed what
                        build a successful noshery. Between the two of them, they
                        have seen it all in the food and beverage sphere, having   it was going to look like is, an almost surreal passage.
                        worked in a variety of different hospitality venues. On   The two expats happily call the Douglas Shire home. Luke
                        passion and a prayer, plus their combined experience they   is expecting his first child and bracing for sleepless nights,
                        were determined to give it a red-hot crack.  while Roisin’s family adds another wee baby to the mix.
                        The two good friends have supported each other through   For them, it’s the blend of people from all over the world
                        many of life’s sweet and sour moments, upon their   with an amazing community spirit where everyone rallies
                        solidified foundation of friendship they weren’t messing   around each other in times of need, that makes Port
                        around. This unwavering base along with a knack for the   Douglas special.
                        snack and a feel for the meal they knew they had the right   It’s an easy place to balance work and life. Each day is a
                        ingredients to make good on a sandwich shop that could.  celebration in paradise, so grab the picnic basket loaded
                        Like any great friendship, it started over a pint of Guinness.   with sandwiches and watch the sunset in Rex Park with
                        Luke from the UK and Roisin from Ireland initially   family and friends while the boats go by. Nothing better
                        bonded over the stresses of their precarious visa situations.   than the simple things in life done well.
                        Soon discovering they had similar outlooks on life, both
                        are very family orientated and value their relationships with
                        friends they have made in Port who have become more like
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