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         EMMA PLANT &

         KYLE LIVINGSTON                                                                                                                                           LUKE

         What started off as an island meeting as work mates for dynamic duo Emma Plant and                                              HEADLAND
         Kyle Livingston has led the couple to put down roots in Port Douglas, taking the helm at
         the much-celebrated Tin Shed and a recent spellbound engagement under the magically
                                                                                                                                                  & ROISIN
         dancing Northern Lights in Norway. Spoiler alert, she said yes!

                                                          The year was 2012 when the pair first   They purchased a home that they are
                                                          met, both employed by a resort on   in the midst of renovating and Kyle                 HUDSON
                                                          Fraser Island. On Emma’s first night as   has taken the lead role of the Tin Shed
                                                          she was finding her way to her room   becoming the General Manager two
                                                          in the staff village, Kyle noticed and   years ago, something he has been proud
                                                          thought she was a lost tourist and went   to achieve at his young age.
                                                          to help and see if she needed directions.   Having worked so well together in the
                                                          As they spoke Emma was drawn to his   past, about a year and a half ago Emma
                                                          friendliness and kindness, and after   joined the management team. While at
                                                          assisting with her bags Kyle invited her   work Kyle is the bigwig ensuring smooth
                                                          to join him for dinner.       operations, a dynamic that jovially
                                                          From that fateful encounter, the two   switches at home, and Emma is now
                                                          worked closely together covering   responsible for all the sales, marketing,
                                                          functions on the island. Building a   and functions at the Club.
                                                          tight friendship, they were becoming   They have a hack in business and life.
                                                          very close, and in time it turned into   Emma and Kyle are quite opposite in
                                                          something immensely special.   many ways, really, they couldn’t be more
                                                          As island life came to a close, it was time   different if they tried. Emma is more
                                                          to leave the past and start anew, and the   of an observer while Kyle can hold a
                                                          couple moved to Sydney for a brief stint.   crowd’s attention, she’s very careful,
                                                          However, they yearned for the warmth   organised, and methodical while he
                                                          and beachy lifestyle of Queensland and   is more likely to make spontaneous
                                                          travelling north they found themselves   decisions.
                                                          in Cairns. After a long weekend getaway   Through their mutual respect of each
                                                          to the tropical paradise of Port Douglas,   other, their different perspectives or
                                                          they realised it had captured their hearts.   approaches can be balanced out nicely to
                                                          While visiting, Kyle met up with an old   become a complementary force that has
                                                          mate from back home, who at the time   helped them find harmony in business
                                                          was the General Manager of the Tin   and in life.
                                                          Shed. On the spot he offered Kyle a bar   For Emma and Kyle, working at the
                                                          manager role. There was little hesitation   Tin Shed, also known as the Douglas
                                                          - Emma and Kyle were moving.   Community & Sports Club Inc. is so
                                                          With the idea that the Port Douglas   much more than a spot with prime
                                                          shift would be seasonal for about a   waterfront inlet real estate with a
                                                          year, that year turned into another and   million-dollar view. It’s the depth of the
                                                          another and then another, until there   club that makes it so special. Operating
                                                          was no reason to move on. Their love   as a not-for-profit organization it allows
                                                          for the Douglas Shire grew as well as the   the Club to support its members,
                                                          couples career progression.   community, and sporting groups by way
                                                          The beauty of the fringing mountains   of grants, member offers, raffles and
                                                          and stretches of soft sandy beaches made   sponsorship to name a few.
                                                          it easy to stay but the community and its   While most venues are profiting a small
                                                          people made it so they couldn’t leave.   few, at the Tin Shed Kyle and Emma
                                                          They relish that for such a small town,   love working for the whole community.
                                                                                        Being able to give so much back really
                                                          Port Douglas packs so many activities,
                         “                                and plus those views are to die for. They   about.
                                                                                        makes the hard work something to smile
                                                          there’s always something happening,
                                                          enjoy meeting the many visitors, with
                                                                                        Work-life balance is achieved by the
                                                                                        simplicity of life in the Douglas Shire.
                                                          new faces and people coming into the
                                                                                        Kyle and Emma believe it’s as easy as
                                                          Tin Shed.  It helps keep things fresh and
            “Work-life balance is achieved by the simplicity   interesting as there is always someone   camp chairs out on the beach, a good
           of life in the Douglas Shire. For Kyle and Emma,   new to meet, who you can learn from   book, and a glass of bubbles in hand,
            bliss is as easy as camp chairs out on the beach”  and enjoy hearing about their life stories.   making it feel like it’s like holidays every
                                                          Life has flourished in the past 10 years   day up here.
                                                          since Emma and Kyle moved to Port.
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