Page 63 - Port Douglas Magazine 36
P. 63

WORDS by Pam Willis Burden
                                        Farmers in Europe were in trouble. The grapes for the   buy salamis, cheese and imported Italian products not
                                        wine industry had developed a serious disease. The   available from Cairns.  The shop is now  Temptations
                                        First World War  had  impoverished  families  and  the   Café, run by his grand-daughter Pia McKeown.
                                        Second World War was looming. People were seeking   The late Rose Gusmeroli’s father Sebastiano Sciacca
                                        a better life and began looking for new beginnings in   emigrated from Catania in Sicily in 1920 to join his
                                        faraway places.
                                                                                brother. They cut cane for a few years until they could
                                        Australia beckoned, especially Far North Queensland.   afford to purchase land together to grow sugar cane.
                                        It was safe, sunny and, if men worked hard, they could   Many families came from Catania at that time and they
                                        improve living conditions for their families.  would socialise  and  share  their  language.  Even  today,
                                                                                their descendants still gather at Temptations Café on a
                                        Many had no idea where they were heading when   Saturday morning to enjoy coffee and a chat, although
                                        boarding the ships bound for southern shores. It was a   the  Sicilian  dialect  they  learned  from  their  families  is
                                        huge country. Should they settle in the west or far north   becoming outdated.  When younger family members
                                        on the opposite coast?  One brother would arrive and   return to visit Italian relatives, they often find them
                                        make his way, and others followed to join him.  difficult to understand.
                                        Victor Bertoncini landed in Fremantle from Tuscany in   When she was growing up, Rose and her family lived
                                        1957 with only one word of English. Banana. He was fed   together in one house on the small farm in Cassowary
                                        bananas by friendly locals who pointed him towards the   until her Dad bought the farm in Miallo. Both parents
                                        banana-growing area in Queensland. Bananas sustained   cut the cane because they had no money to hire workers,
                                        him during his long trek across the country, and he finally   and they used horses because they couldn’t afford a
                                        arrived in Mossman to join his brother in the sugar cane   tractor.  The house  had  no electricity  or water, so  her
                                        fields.  For a tender 17 year old, it was brutal work and his   mother  Leonarda  would wash the clothes in the river.
                                        hands often bled from handling the rough sticks of cane   Rose did her homework by kerosene lamp.
                                        that he’d cut with a sharp knife.
                                                                                As soon as she left school at Grade 7, Rose worked on
                                        But through his efforts in the cane fields, he eventually   the  farm  from  five  in  the  morning  till  seven  at  night.
                                        saved enough to buy a truck to haul cane. He later   She’d dress like a boy in trousers and a long-sleeved shirt
                                        bought the local Mossman Taxi Service and married his   and hat. But there were no gloves or sunscreen and only
                                        girlfriend, young Gina.
                                                                                sandshoes without socks.  Ticks were everywhere.
                                        Gina’s father Joe Contarino had arrived in the region in   A  bomb  from  a  lost  Japanese  aircraft  dropped  on  a
                                        1927 and was married by proxy to a young bride in Italy   galvanized iron cottage near their house  on 31  July,
                                        who spoke no English. Joe’s new wife Nelli arrived in   1942 during the Second World War. The Scarcella, Tati
                                        Queensland in 1932. Just after Gina was born, Joe was   and Zullo families were together on that farm, but when
                                        interned for 18 months in Melbourne during the Second   2½ year old *Carmella Zullo  was seriously injured by
                                        World  War. It was very difficult times for the young   shrapnel from the bomb, all the families moved. Rose’s
                                        immigrant mother in a strange land far from family back   father bought what remained of the cottage and moved
                                        in Italy.                               it onto his farm.
                                        After the war, Joe returned to Queensland and set up a   Mrs Scarcella was a chef in Italy and she would gather all
                                        grocery shop in Mossman. He would drive his truck to   the Italian women to help with catering when a daughter
                                        the Atherton Tablelands to  buy tomatoes in  bulk and   got married. Rose remembers they would select chickens
                                        fresh fruit and vegetables directly from the growers. As   then  strangle,  pluck  and  clean  them  before  preparing
                                        more Italians arrived, he translated for the Italian cane   a massive feast including a variety of puddings. Most
                                        cutters and they often boarded in his house where his wife   weddings had so many guests that the receptions were
                                        cooked familiar meals and prepared them food to take to   held in the local Mossman Shire Hall.
                                        work, called cribs.
                                                                                Angela Zammataro’s late father Alfio was also from
                                        Joe’s shop became the most popular grocery store in   Catania. His sister was married by proxy to an Italian
                                        Mossman especially after he started flying to Sydney to
                                                                                man, Mr Tati, who lived in Mossman.  Often men who
                                                                                                       * Source: Queensland Police
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