Page 106 - Port Douglas Magazine 36
P. 106

Spencer & Reina


          It’s no secret that the Douglas Shire is a   White, playing an integral role in bringing   and drink events. The Taste brought together
          playground for the  food-centric visitor.   three-star Michelin glory to the infamous chef.  local producers and restaurants showcasing
          And no wonder — it boasts a remarkable   Reina, a modern Renaissance Woman excelled   the best of the region’s tropical produce across
          bounty of fresh local produce that presents   in a variety of pursuits before completely   the town.
          a delicious palette for any creative chef to   throwing herself into the highs of restaurants.   In both business and life, the two balance each
          flourish.                          She became a worldly presence, traveling   other out. Spencer is the creative, Reina the
          Port Douglas has become a global powerhouse   to  America and Europe while studying   realist.  He comes up with the ideas and she
          in the culinary world that punches well above   communications and tourism as well as   reigns them back in.
          its weight. Largely thanks for these accolades   naturopathy and nutrition.  “Between the two of us, we have the full skillset
          is in part because of the passion, commitment   On the back of the caravan travels Reina and   required to run our business,” said Reina.
          and drive of dynamic duo Reina and Spencer   Spencer set up shop in 2007 when they arrived
          Patrick, founders of Taste Port Douglas and   in Port Douglas and opened their first business   “What I can’t do, Spencer can, and vice versa.
                                                                                 This has been one of the key factors behind
          owners  of Harrisons  Restaurant.    The  duo   together, the acclaimed restaurant Harrisons, a   us being able to operate our businesses
          recently took home the title of ‘Restaurateurs   name close to the couple’s heart as a nod to
          of the Year 2022’, a major award category at   their first-born son. Opening first in the heart   successfully - we have the confidence that we
          the Restaurant and Catering  Association’s   of Port Douglas, it grew to be relocated to the   have each other’s back 100%.”
          centenary awards.                  Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort where it can be   This is an endearing snapshot of how the pair
                                                                                 complement each other, a loving relationship,
          For the married couple, it was the vibe of Port   found today.         like a secret ingredient, each knowing how to
          Douglas that captivated Reina and Spencer to   The  founding  of  Taste  Port  Douglas,  which   get the best from the other.
          call the Douglas Shire home 15 years ago.  launched  in  2014,  was  natural  for  the
          “After travelling around Australia and arriving   ambitious and supportive pair. The festival   The grind of operating a high-end restaurant
          in Port Douglas, we were instantly attracted to   was  born  from  a  collective  desire  to  include   and the year-long preparation of organising
          the energy of the town,” Reina said.  Port Douglas in the national food conversation   a world-class culinary festival would be
                                                                                 quicksand for most husbands and wives,
          “We arrived in August, and neither of us like   and to shine a light on the town’s restaurant   however, for this culinary couple, it has had
          the cold too much so were delighted with what   and food scene.        huge benefits.
          ‘winter’ looked like in the tropics.  “We wanted to see Port Douglas restaurants
                                             and the region’s producers spoken about in   “People often ask us how we can live, work
                                                                                 and parent together. It is not for everyone, but
                                                                                 it works for us and for the industry we are in,”
                                                                                 Reina said.
                                                                                 “The hospitality industry’s hours are not
                                                                                 friendly at the best of times so to have a partner
                                                                                 that understands that completely and with
                                                                                 whom you can work within the framework
                                                                                 you have, is fantastic.”
                                                                                 Prioritising time with family is essential.
                                                                                 “Days off are generally spent around our house
                                                                                 and always involve a large meal together.  We
                                                                                 spend a lot of time around our table eating!”
                                                                                 “We live and work in paradise! Seeing our kids
                                                                                 grow up in a place surrounded by beauty and
                                                                                 making incredible memories is the best.”
                                                                                 Reina and Spencer have woven themselves
                                                                                 into the community for which they have
                                                                                 immense pride.
                                                                                 “When running a business and raising a family
                                                                                 in a small community you get to contribute to
                                                                                 the fabric of that community and contribute
          “We instantly found good coffee, great places   mainstream media and we didn’t want our   to your home on many different levels. It’s an
          to enjoy a wine, and amazing food.  Fifteen   geographic distance from major cities to mean   honour to be part of a place in such a special
          years later we’re still enjoying all these things,   that we were considered any less important   way,” said Reina.
          but we would have to say that the best ‘side   than our peers and colleagues in major cities,”   “It’s a close small community that looks out for
          effect’  of  living  here  is  the  lifestyle  our  kids   said Spencer.  each other.  Everyone here has helped support
          have and their ability to grow up as kids,” said   “It has always been very important to us   each  other  through  the  last  few  turbulent
          Reina.                             that Port Douglas restaurants be included in   years and now that town has opened up again
          The two first met in 2005 at a Melbourne eatery   national  awards  programs  and  publications   and events are back it’s incredible to see the
          where Reina was working front of house and   providing a platform for personal and   community out enjoying and supporting
          Spencer was a culinary consultant, and this   professional satisfaction, something that is   them.”
          was the catalyst ultimately for the two working   very important for any business owner.”   “The people of Port Douglas have so much in
          and sharing a life together.       Recently celebrating a successful sixth series,   our town to be proud of and that makes it a
          Spencer, a clever and savvy chef from London   this year’s Taste Port Douglas set the bar high   special place to be a part of.”
          who  has  snaffled  just  about  every  culinary   making  it  one  of  the  most  significant  food   The duo look forward to staging Taste Port
          gong  over  his  30  years  in  the  hospitality   festivals in the country. With an all-star line-  Douglas in 2023 from 10 – 13 August.
          industry, cut his teeth in the kitchens of   up  of  Australian  chefs  it  delivered  culinary
          Michelin Star restaurants.  At the beginning   masterclasses, signature dinners, and unique
          of his career, he trained under Marco Pierre   dining  experiences  over  more  than  20  food
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