Page 105 - Port Douglas Magazine 36
P. 105

ome might say love is the fertiliser to life; it feeds the soul and
                 nourishes the heart, add in support, respect, a dollop of laughter,
            Sand a harmonious connection will grow.
             This organic growth has been a theme for husband-and-wife team Jess
             and Dom Uhlig who have been working together since 2005 when they
             first met as co-workers at a Sydney restaurant. Fast forward to today
             and this dynamic duo is closing the loop on the circular economy,
             regenerating soils through food waste conversion
             Passionate about the environment, the pair holidayed to the Douglas
             Shire in 2006 where Mother Nature flaunts all her natural assets, what
             they thought was going to be a six-month rendezvous, became a … well
             they haven’t left yet.
             “Having the reef right here suits us perfectly,” said Jess. “We came up on
             holiday and loved the place.”
             Calling the Douglas Shire home, the two environmental visionaries have
             been busy cultivating their own business while raising a young family
             with their son Lewis, who wears the hat of CEO of their company Green
             Food Australia.

             “Almost everyone is from somewhere else, but they all felt the
              pull at some stage and made the move. So, the community
                   takes ownership of their Shire and are proud”

             Green Food  Australia  was  born from  a nomadic  around  Australia  Jess & Dom
             conscious caravan trip where they lived like off-grid pros full time. This
             trip exposed them to the faults in daily life surrounding waste and the   GOOD FOOD AUSTRALIA
             excess usage of resources such as water, petrol, and electricity. This was
             mirrored by the many years the two hospitality professionals worked in
             restaurants witnessing the gloom of food wastage firsthand.
             It was a real eye opener. Something needed to happen as the waste we   Dom, Jess & Lewis
             make as a population is insane.
             You see, these green innovators take food wastage from commercial
             venues such as the scraps of veggies, fruit, coffee, poultry, eggshells, and
             all kinds of other leftovers, and put them all into what could be described
             as an ingenious garbage  disposal on steroids that churns them into
             organic soil probiotic, a liquid that replaces traditional fertiliser.
             The endproduct, XLR8®Bio, is quickly becoming a key player in
             regenerative agriculture, the magic elixir that can turn malnourished soil
             into fertile land. The brilliance of the sprouting solution will also reduce
             the use of harmful fertilisers that have a grim tendency to run off causing
             a massive problem for our oceans and reefs, two things Jess and Dom are
             passionate to keep healthy.
             Healthy Soil = Healthy Food = Healthy People.
             Jess and Dom through Good Food Australia have created a circle of life
             when it comes to renewing food wastage and a movement toward soil
             regeneration. They are giving ole Mother Nature a helping hand to give
             back to the earth, what we have taken from it. Helping her to heal at a
             time when she needs it most.
             When the two aren’t busy in the business they are enjoying the wonders
             of  the  region  with  young  Lewis  usually  out  on  the  water  fishing  or
             The community for them is the heart of the Douglas Shire.
             “Almost everyone is from somewhere else, but they all felt the pull at
             some stage and made the move. So, the community takes ownership of
             their Shire and are proud,” said Jess.
             When visiting Jess, Dom, and Lewis suggest walking the beach barefoot;
             take a dip in a freshwater swimming hole; do the hike to enjoy the fresh air
             and forests; drift over the coral listening to mother nature’s underwater
             world; appreciate the uniqueness of our region and of course, relax –
             you’re on holidays after all.
             Oh and to take every opportunity to laugh. It’s an instant mood booster
             and a secret to Jess and Dom’s happily ever after of working and raising
             a family together.
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