Page 104 - Port Douglas Magazine 36
P. 104

Leanne & Brad

          BH ELECTRICS

          It was an electric moment for Leanne and
          Brad Sims  back in  December 2000 when
          their eyes met across a crowded Irish bar.
          Right then they thanked  their hearts for
          knowing who to fall in love with.
          This  moment sparked a future for the
          dynamic duo to eventually go into business
          together owning BH Electrics, a successful
          electrical company while raising a beautiful   Parker, Quade, Brad & Leanne
          family in paradise.
          Before BH Electrics the pair were working   “They didn’t know us at all, but they were   “We are lucky to work with some genuinely
          south of Gladstone in a small town Tannum   happy  to give us an opportunity. Sure we   great people,” Leanne praises.
          Sands, a place they loved with beautiful   made some mistakes in the early days. Our   “Our  team play  above the  line, for us that
          beaches and camping options aplenty.   team had to get used to Brad and the way he   means they take their work seriously and
          However, the calling to switch things up and   wanted things to get done, and change can   perform it to a high standard, we are very
          work for themselves was much stronger.   be hard.                      proud of them all.”
          Under the mentorship of a business coach,   “We dropped the ball on a few clients - did   Leanne and Brad say they are blessed to call
          they researched hundreds of businesses   I mention the massive overwhelm!! It’s very   the Douglas  Shire home,  it’s  the breath of
          across Australia to find their perfect fit that   humbling to think about all those  clients   fresh air they were looking for, the perfect
          would  fulfill  their  work  and  life  balance.   who stuck with us and gave us their trust   place to raise their boys, Parker and Quade,
          They hit the tropical jackpot when BH   from the beginning.            as they mature into fine young men before
          Electrics was up for sale in Port Douglas, a
                                             “The business is growing, and we couldn’t   their eyes.
          place where they would often only imagine   do it without our amazing team and also
          living.                            our amazing clients both old  and  new –   Their home in Shannonvale, just outside of
                                                                                 Port Douglas, provides  the idyllic retreat
          “When we found BH Electrics located in Port   grateful,” Leanne said.  surrounded by lush greenery and mountains,
          Douglas,  we  jumped  at the chance,”  said   The key to their success has been commitment   the peace of it all is something they cherish.
          Leanne.                            and  participation,  both playing their vital   “We just love it when we open our eyes in the
          It was daunting days in the  beginning,   roles complementing each other’s qualities.  morning and hear the birds in the distance, it
          packing up your life starting fresh, but sad   Leanne is a bit of a firecracker, an ideas girl   never fails to make us smile,” said Leanne.
          goodbyes often lead to happy hellos.  moving  from  one crazy or brilliant idea  to   The diversity and the people of the Shire
          “We were so very lucky to receive the   the next, whereas  Brad  is  a bit more level-  make it a special place for the Sims family.
          warmest of welcomes,” said Leanne.   headed and a realist.
                                                                                 “We love that there are so many adventures
          “It’s one of the special things about  the                             right on our back doorstep. It a place we will
          Port Douglas  community.  We made                                      never get tired of, it’s home,” Leanne said.
          some wonderful friends quickly through   “The business is growing, and we
                                                                                 “It’s a small community and there is always
          the kids playing  AFL and through our   couldn’t do it without our amazing
          neighbourhood.                                                         a friendly wave as you make your way
                                               team and also our amazing clients   around town.”
          “It’s  a friendly place, and we are very
          grateful for that.”                    both old and new – grateful”    So, what’s next for Leanne and Brad? Well,
                                                                                 when you live in the tropics solar is the way
          Leanne and Brad have been lighting up the                              to go.
          Douglas Shire and the surrounds for nearly   “Sometimes  I  follow  the  firecracker  and
          six years. When they kicked off it was a wild                          “We are fully committed to solar,”  Brad said.
                                             other times, well, I just smile,” quips Brad.
          ride  filled  with  tough  love  that  moulded                         “Having a local person do the install,
          them personally and professionally.  “We’ve  had  lots of grand adventures   someone  who will stand behind their
                                             together and we’ve also tumbled our way   product  and  service  should  give  peace  of
          “The first 12 months of business are a blur   through some tough stuff.”
          these days,” Leanne remembers.                                         mind  to the community  as  well as energy
                                             “We are stronger together, he has me and I   savings  in  their  pockets  and  benefit  to  our
          “Massive  amount of perturbation  and   have him,” said Leanne.        beautiful environment.”
          overwhelm - I’d hate to think what our
          collective heart rate was!         However, they would not be where they are
                                             today without help, respectfully maintaining 
          “Even in business, for the most part people   that the pinnacle to the business thriving is
          were willing to give us a go.
                                             the team around them.
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