Page 58 - Port Douglas Magazine 35
P. 58

Chrissie at one of the WTMA tree planting
         BEATING HEART OF                                                                   events, building forest corridors for wildlife
                                                                                                 and resilience into the Wet Tropics.


          WORDS by Bill Wilkie
               holiday in tropical north Queensland isn’t complete without a visit to the Daintree.
               The  Daintree  is  at  the  northern  end  of  the Wet Tropics World  Heritage  area,
               declared in 1988 for its outstanding ecological values and biological diversity.
          We caught up with Ms Chrissy Grant, the recently appointed chair of the Wet Tropics
          Management Authority (WTMA).
          If there is a heart of Queensland’s Wet Tropics, surely it is the Daintree. Long considered the
          ‘jewel in the crown’ of Queensland’s tourism sites, the Daintree is home to cassowaries and
          tree-kangaroos, fan palm groves and isolated palm-tree lined beaches. It was here that many
          of the early botanical discoveries brought the area to the attention of scientists in the 1960s:
          Plant species so old they were labelled ‘green dinosaurs’. And it was also in the Daintree that
          conservationists took a stand, staging the Daintree Blockade in 1983-4, to bring attention
          to threats to the region from logging and land-clearing for agriculture, sub-divisions and
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