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creating a relaxed luxury retreat.
                                                                                 “Long considered the                                                                                  “We  are absolutely  thrilled  with the results  Selena  has achieved in
                                                                                                                                                                                       Whilst we had an idea of what we wanted to create; it was Selena who
                                                                                 ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of                                                                        “                  elevated our vision to the next level.
                                                                                                                                                                                       It was crucial that we worked with a designer who we could trust
                                                                                 Queensland’s tourism                                                                                  implicitly, given we were interstate and had the added complexity of
                                                                                                                                                                                        border closures throughout the duration of the renovation process.
                                                                                 sites, the Daintree is                                                                                Selena and the team at Azure Style have been fantastic to work with,
                                                                                 home to cassowaries and                                                                                    the whole team has certainly gone above and beyond.
                                                                                 tree-kangaroos, fan palm                                                                              Stylishly  designed  interiors provide the perfect space  for  guests to   “
                                                                                                                                                                                       relax and unwind. Drawing inspiration from its surroundings, Tropik
                                                                                 groves and isolated palm-                                                                             features luxurious furnishings that celebrate the relaxed lifestyle that
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Port is renowned for.”
                                                                                 tree lined beaches”                                                                                                      Paradise awaits

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Leesa & Wayne, Tropik, Port Douglas
          PHOTO CREDIT David Clode                                                                                                                                                               Tropik-PortDouglas    Tropik_portdouglas

         “The Wet Tropics sustainable tourism plan focuses   the  Daintree.  After  five  years,  it’s  hoped  that  the   in fresh seafood, amazing ice-cream, tropical fruit
         on looking at the protection of the area’s natural   region will solely come under the management of   tasting, and other foodie delights, or just bask in
         and cultural values, rainforest aboriginal people’s   the Eastern Kuku-Yalanji people.  the rich lush deep green tropical rainforest by the
         tourism opportunities, establishing a foundation for                    side of swimming hole.
         cultural respect,  building  industry  resilience,  and   “We want to be to be able to have sole management
         delivering exceptional visitor experiences through   of the National Parks,” Ms Grant says. “The work   If the Daintree is the heart of the  Wet  Tropics,
         guide programs and the world class presentation of   we need to do now is to focus on the kids in schools,   then it’s fair to say, with an experienced chair
                                             so that pathways are available for their training and
                                                                                 like Chrissy Grant at the helm and increased
         the area.”
                                             work experience in the industry of management of   involvement of local indigenous rainforest people
         Another recent development supports this view.   the National Parks.”   in the management and preservation of the region,
         In  September  2021,  ownership  of  the  Daintree                      that the heart beats strongly.
         National Park, along with three other National Parks   Chrissy Grant encourages people who are staying in
         in the far north, was handed over to the traditional   Port Douglas to make sure they venture beyond the
         owners, the Eastern Kuku-Yalanji rainforest people.   town’s excellent dining experiences.
         Ms Grant explains what this means:  “I would recommend visiting the world’s oldest
                                             living rainforest, the Daintree, and immerse yourself
         “There will be programs developed that will help   in the sights and sounds of nature and learn about
         Kuku-Yalanji people to develop their own economic   the rainforest from an Aboriginal perspective,” she
         businesses through tourism operations,” she says.
         With the development of a new tourism hub,
         training for Eastern Kuku-Yalanji people to work   The southern area of the Daintree National Park   ABOUT THE AUTHOR
         in the tourism sector, programs for indigenous   is easily accessed at Mossman Gorge where visitors
         tourism enterprises and the creation of a Tourism   can access beautiful freshwater swimming holes,   Bill Wilkie’s first book, The Daintree Blockade: The
         Advisory Group, the handover will see increased   take the rainforest circuit walk, and have genuine   Battle for Australia’s  Tropical Rainforests, won the
                                             indigenous  experiences  with  local  guides  at  the
         indigenous involvement in the management of the                         Premier’s Award at the Queensland Literary Awards
         National Park as well as an increased presence in the   Mossman Gorge Centre.   in 2017. His next book is about the Cedar Bay
         tourism industry.                   North of the Daintree River the options expand.   police raids of the 1970s. He lives by the sea north of
                                             Take a tour, or better still, stay a few nights, drive   Mossman.                                                                        IN ASSOCIATION
         Over the next five years, the indigenous owners will                                                                                                                              WITH
         work with National Parks in joint management of   the four-wheel drive only Bloomfield Track, indulge                                                                                                Dan Price
                                                                                                                                                                                                           0421 757 792
                                                                                                                                             0448 644 134 | [email protected] |         Azure Style         azurestylecairns
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