Page 18 - Port Douglas Magazine 35
P. 18

         For Sarah, being able to fly a drone is not something
         natural. Truth be known, holding up a camera or
         even a phone is hard for her as she suffers from
         muscular dystrophy, a disease that causes weakness
         and loss of muscle mass.
         “The drone gives me more freedom. If someone else
         sets it up for me ready to launch, I can hold the
         remote on my lap.
         “The type of muscular dystrophy I have is called
         limb girdle. It is a genetic disorder, caused by a
         recessive gene inherited by both parents. There was
         only a 25 percent chance of me having it, so I guess
         I was a little unlucky.
         “Until my thirties, I lived a very normal life, in
         fact I was quite sporty. I was a champion swimmer
         in primary school and I played tennis and squash
         competitively right up until my diagnosis in 1992.
         “It wasn’t until I was thirty that I started noticing                 Inspired by Freequill. “A Single Perspective is the Enemy of Reality”
         the  symptoms.  One  day, in  an  aerobics  class,  I
         couldn’t get onto my tippy toes during an exercise.   Every six months Sarah came up to Port Douglas   “I also enjoy interior design so it would be great to
         Looking back now, it had already started earlier but   to escape the winter in Sydney, but when Covid   collaborate with an interior designer. I can see us
         I didn’t think much of it and had overlooked some   hit she decided to get out of Sydney as soon as she   in a magazine with one of our photos promoting
         of the symptoms.                    could and she hasn’t been back since.  a brand.
         “Gradually, I got weaker and weaker and I started   “There are so many things I love about Port   “I plan to take more photos of buildings and play
         walking with a stick. In 2016 my dog Pippa   Douglas. I love the weather up here, even the wet   with some very creative angles. I will be going back
         accidentally knocked me over, I fell badly and   season. I also love the rainforest and the ocean,” she   to Perth soon to visit family so I am bursting to see
         broke my leg. That was the last time I ever stood   said.               what I can do in a big city. Not only with buildings
         up, walked or drove a car. From that day on my                          but also with our hallmark, the many different
         life completely changed, but you just have to get on   “Up here you have the perfect combination of   basketball courts available.
         with life and that’s what I did.    climate, rainforest and water. It ticks all the boxes
                                             and I love being able to live outside pretty much   “Without the events of the last couple of years
         “I swim every day and that has saved me both   all year round. I pinch myself every day on how   I would never have bought a drone and I would
         physically and mentally. I am sure my condition   beautiful it is up here.”  probably still just be painting. I really am just so
         would have accelerated more if I hadn’t been able                       grateful that something so wonderful has come out
         to still swim. Living in a tropical climate also helps,                 of something so awful as the pandemic and there is
         because my muscles are weak, I don’t function very   FUTURE GOALS       no doubt in my mind, I have found my passion.”
         well in cold weather.”              Sarah said her head is bursting with ideas for
                                             photographs. “Things pop up in my head, it is   Something tells me, nothing is going to stop this
                                                                                 motived pair and we cannot wait to see the new
         PORT DOUGLAS                        normally pretty spontaneous,” she said.   heights (excuse the pun) they will soar to on their
         Originally from Perth,  Western Australia, Sarah   “Minimalism is our thing, and we are moving more   journey. The team from Air Bare certainly are the
         moved  to  Sydney  when her  youngest  daughter   and more towards that. I would love to be involved   ones to watch!
         Tess played water polo, eventually making a junior   with an advertising campaign like a sports, clothing
         Australian team.                    or accessories brand and do a cool shoot.

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