Page 17 - Port Douglas Magazine 35
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“Minimalism is our thing, and we are moving more
                                                           and more towards that. I would love to be involved

                                                          with an advertising campaign like a sports, clothing
                                                              or accessories brand and do a really cool shoot.”

                                              “I stopped working when I had my two girls and   I think the most important element in photography
                                              that’s when I started painting. I only recently picked   is composition. You have to understand what you’re
                                              it up again, in the last five or six years,” she said.   photographing, what is your vision and what you
                                                                                   want to achieve with this photograph.
                                              “Lucy studies architecture in Melbourne. I guess I am
                                              kind of living through her, not having finished my   “You can fly a drone and you can get so much into
                                              architecture degree. I love working as a team with her,   your  frame,  like  sweeping  landscapes  which  are
                                              as we are very similar in our tastes and vision and we   beautiful, but that’s not our vision. Our photographs
                                              both have an eye for design and composition.  are more about art and design.”
                                              “Lucy is currently working on her thesis, so I am
                                              doing most of the photography and the editing  THE BIRTH OF AIR BARE
                                              for Air Bare. She is still very much involved and I
                                              couldn’t do it without her.”         When they decided to give their photography a name,
                                                                                   Lucy was looking for something punchy, short and
                                                                                   unique. Sarah registered the business name, started a
                                              IT’S CALLED COMPROMISE               website and Air Bare was born. And the result of the
                                                                                   first project? Well, the first prints were purchased by
                                              One of the duo’s most iconic photographs is of a girl   an editor at the Washington Post!
                                              sitting in a pool ring on the basketball court in Port
                                              Douglas.                             Their journey and success didn’t stop there. In
                                                                                   March 2021, a couple of months after Sarah and
                                              “In 2019 Lucy took a gorgeous picture with her phone   Lucy posted the pool ring photo on their Instagram
                                              of a friend floating on a pool ring in a swimming pool   account, they received a message from the Boston
                                              in Tuscany. I just loved the photo and I decided to   Drone Film Festival. “They asked us if we would like
                                              paint it,” Sarah said.               to enter one of our photographs into the competition
                                              “Featured in my house in Port Douglas, I still enjoy   in the architecture category and we won it.
                                              looking  at  every  day.   With  my  newfound  interest   “Not long after that, while I was scrolling through
                                              in drone photography, it became my inspiration for   Facebook, I saw the Capture Magazine’s Australasia’s
                                              one of our first projects, as I wondered if I could   Top Emerging Photographers’ competition. I decided
                                              recreate the scene on the local basketball court. With   to enter the competition in the single shot category
                                              the main prop now purchased and a cute matching   and we won that one too.
                                              handbag borrowed, I asked a friend to lay in the pool
                                              ring while reading the Port Douglas magazine and   “When we were then shortlisted for the Siena (Drone)
                                              the handbag carefully placed next to her. The poor   2021 Photo Awards, in the category People and the
                                              thing it was so hot that day too, but she took the   Australian Photography Awards, Open/Illustrative
                                              challenge in her stride.”            we just couldn’t believe the run of success we were
                                              “The girl in the pool ring should be somewhere
                                              beautiful, at the beach or in a pool, but instead she   More recently, the mother-daughter power team were
                                              finds herself on a basketball court”. With the chaos   contacted by German publisher teNeues to feature
                                              caused by the pandemic she needs to adjust, find   in a high end coffee table book about minimalism
                                              her balance, hence we aptly named the photo, “IT’S   in photography. “There are only 15 photographers
                                              CALLED COMPROMISE””                  worldwide who are included in this publication and
                                                                                   so we feel very honoured,” Sarah said.
                                              COMPOSITION                          “To be honest it all still feels very surreal, we only
                                                                                   started 18  months  ago, I  don’t  quite  understand
                                              “My approach to photography is similar to when   what has happened. It has been whirlwind, but a
                                              I start a painting, you need to decide on your   wonderful one”
                                              composition, perspective, framing, colours and tones.

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