Page 105 - Port Douglas Magazine 35
P. 105

“There’s something truly magical
                                          about these emerald marvels!”

            to a green tree frog.  Yes, it can be loud   THEY MAKE THE BEST YARD GUESTS  LIMIT OR STOP USING PESTICIDES
            and  somewhat annoying  when  you’re
            trying  to  sleep  but  hey  you  have  a  new   Aside from being crazy cool, there are a   Real talk, using these chemicals in the
            backyard buddy and a healthy ecosystem,   few reasons why you’d want frogs in your   garden or lawn can be really harmful to
            congratulations.                    yard. They feast on insects like slugs, grubs,   the very frogs you are trying to attract. As
                                                mosquitos, and other pests, making them
                                                                                    mentioned above, frogs have permeable
            They can serenade  with a slow ‘brawk-  an  eco-friendly, non-toxic alternative  to   skin and these weed-killing substances can
            brawk-brawk’ to call out to potential mates,   pesticides and chemical insect repellents.  really hurt your friendly frogs.
            oh la la! And on a more sinister side, they   Think of your backyard as an all-you-can-  PROVIDE A WATER SOURCE
            will  scream  when  they  are  in  danger,  to
            scare off a predator.               eat buffet for frogs. Can you believe one frog   Oh froggy, do they love water, in fact, they
                                                can eat up to 100 insects in a day.  Doing a
                                                little calculation that’s roughly 10,000 bugs   need moisture to survive, so providing a
            THEY ARE ADORABLE                   a season, that’s a lot of buzzing bugs.  shallow,  non-moving  water  source  will
                                                                                    bring all the froggies to the yard.
            This needs no explanation  whatsoever, I   Because most amphibians are endangered,
            mean just look at them, awwwww.     creating  a  place  for  them  to  prosper  is   GARDEN LIGHTS AND PATIO LANTERNS
                                                                                    AT NIGHT
            But this brings us to our next point…  a  wonderful  way to help restore their
                                                population.                         Shedding some light during the night
                                                                                    attracts bugs, frogs think they are super
            THE SKIN-NY ON GREEN TREE FROGS     CREATING A GREEN SANCTUARY IN YOUR   yummy!  As frogs hunt at night, they  will
            First rule: Look, don’t touch. You see they   BACKYARD                  thank you for having a well-lit area where
            have extremely porous skin that they absorb                             these bugs  will hang around making
            oxygen through, so too much handling of a   Contrary to what perhaps one of the world’s   catching them all the easier.
            Green Tree Frog without proper care could   most famous frogs, Kermit, might say “It’s
            really hurt the poor little hoppers.  not easy being green”,  well it is if  you do
                                                these croak-tastic things and in a jiffy green
            If you spot a laidback frog while having fun   frogs will be having a ribbit-ing good time in
            in the backyard of the tropical north, give it   your backyard.
            space, nobody likes to be poked, Ouch!

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