Page 100 - Port Douglas Magazine 35
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                                    MAP OF A CULTURE

          WORDS by Rosie Wang
          When I look at a map of Australia and the layout of all the separate   13 CONSONANTS
          indigenous Australian groups it resembles a beautiful jigsaw puzzle.
          Stretching back at least 65,000 years or ‘from the beginning of time’   1.  B - (Buma) - aboriginal person Nth QLD
          more than 500 different clan groups or ‘nations’ cohabit the continent,   2.  D - (Dirra) - teeth
          all with their own distinctive cultures, beliefs and languages. There are
          250  indigenous  Australian  languages,  including  800  dialects  that  are   3.  J - (Jarramali) - thunder
          spoken.                                                   4.  K - (Kuku - Gugu) speak or talk
          Keeping  their  languages  alive  is  an  intrinsic  part  of  the  Aboriginal   5.  L - part of a word - no words start with ‘l’ (Manjal) Mountain
          people’s culture. Through language they keep their identity and maintain   6.  M - (Mayi) - food
          strong links to their communities and traditions. With their songlines,
          stories, spirituality, identity and connections, language is the glue that   7.  N - (nukal) - eat or drink
          binds and creates a sense of belonging and empowerment.   8.  Ng - (starts words, back of throat - Ngaji  - Grandfather
          Here in Port Douglas the local cultural group is the Eastern Yalanji. Their   9.  Ny - (Nyiku - now/today)
          language is also known as Kuku Yalanji. According to the 2016 census   10.  R - (Ngara - root of tree)
          this Pama-nyungan language was spoken by 320 speakers, of which 100   11.  Rr - (rrrr roll tongue - Walarr - beard)
          could read and write the language. With the language now part of the
          curriculum taught at Mossman State School this number is increasing.  12.  W - (Walu - face)
          As an amazing innovation, Mossman State School along with the Kuku   13.  Y - (Yalbay - big)
          Yalanji  Language  Advisory  Group  have  developed  the  Kuku  Yalanji
          language program which is currently taught at their school from Prep   VOWELS
          to Year 6.
          The  indigenous  language  program,  which  has  been  co-designed  by   A - (ar - Bama - aboriginal person)
          indigenous elder, Mr Norm Tayley, and school staff, has been extremely
          well received by the school and wider community. The award-winning   I - (ee - kuku Yalangi (ee)
          program has been running at the school since 2018 and is taught by local   U - (oo - Kuku)
          indigenous man, Mr Juan Walker. The Kuku Yalanji lessons are a popular
          addition to the school’s curriculum and help create positive relationships   NUMBERS
          within the school and community, built on a strong understanding of
          culture and language.  To support the Indigenous language program, a   One  nyubun
          Kuku Yalanji languages app had also been developed.       Two    jambul
                                                                    Three    kulur
          Available on Android and iPhones, this amazing innovation brings the   Four    jambul-jambul
          language to your fingertips.
          Today, the Kuku Yalanji language is spoken by about 500-600 people
          here in Cape York from the Annan River to the Mowbray River, west
          from the Great Dividing Range and east as far as the intercontinental   HERE ARE SOME LOCAL PHRASES:
          shelf in the Pacific Ocean.
          The United Nations General Assembly has declared the period between   Yalada - Welcome
                                                                    Yundu Yalada? (Yoon-da Yala-da)  - Hello you mob,
          2022 and 2032 as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages to   how are you today?
          draw attention to the critical status of many Indigenous languages across   Ngayu burri (Niya Bu-Ri) - My name is
          the world and encourage action for their preservation, revitalization and
          With  this  incredible  initiative  from  organisations  such  as  the  Kuku
          Yalanji Language Advisory Group and Mossman State School, the future
          of this ancient language is in safe hands.

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