Page 104 - Port Douglas Magazine 35
P. 104


                                                      WORDS by Jeremy LeBeuf
         The  Australian Green  Tree Frog is a   THEY HAVE SOME CRAZY SKILLS     risks when you have an important decision
         fantastic and beautiful-looking creature                                and there is a frog in the house, what could
         with cartoon-like features.  With their   They  would  fit  right  into  the  Marvel   go wrong?
                                             Cinematic Universe no problem with their
         charm, their harmless nature and distinct
         physical characteristics, there is no doubt   super awesome abilities. Green Tree Frogs   CAN FROGS FALL IN LOVE?
         why many people are enchanted by them.  can climb smooth surfaces by clinging with
                                             their belly skin and the pads on their toes.
         As the story goes, often portrayed in fairy                             It has been caught all over the internet of
                                                                                 frogs holding a loving embrace or cuddling
         tales, it is believed that one single kiss   They have been known to jump at least 30   cutely on a lily pad getting lost in the love
         from  a  frog  is  enough  to  turn  the  affable   times their body length and some smaller   for each other. Hopeless romantics and
                                             tree frogs can jump up to 50 times their
         amphibian into a  handsome  prince.   body  weight.  That is so  amazing it  would   lovestruck  fools  would  be  convinced  that
         Unfortunately, this has been debunked as                                these feverish frogs possessed romantic
         it is scientifically impossible for the itsy frog   send Spiderman’s spidey sense tingling like   feelings for each other.
         to transform into an 80-kilogram human. I   a frog in a sock.
         know, what a disappointment!                                            Sadly,  not  true.  Frogs  do  not  have  the
         However, if you’ve ever seen a little green   FROG LUCK, IT’S A THING   needed biological capabilities to love
                                                                                 each other.  They live a solitary existence
         tree frog you know it’s a special experience   Throughout  time  there  has  been  much   and come together only at mating time.
         every time – there’s something truly magical   folklore, superstitions, and myths that   Relationships  are  overrated  anyway,  am  I
         about these emerald marvels!        surround these little green gems.  Among   right?
         As hopping cute as they are, they’re so   the many meanings associated  with this
                                             small critter are abundance,  well-being,
         much more than that. Here are some cool   financial success, and good fortune.  THEY KNOW HOW TO SWEET TALK
         reasons to love the Green Tree Frog.
                                             It is a favourable omen when a frog shows   A frog’s song of a loud ‘werk, werk, werk’
                                             up in your life, so go ahead and take some   means  you are lucky enough to be host
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