Page 53 - Port Douglas Magazine 31
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CANECUTTER LAGER                    PITCHFORK BETTY’S                       7TH HEAVEN
                      Mid-strength Lager                      Pale Ale                          Tropical Ale
                         3.5% ABV                            5.1% ABV                            4.5% ABV
             COLOUR Clear pale straw             COLOUR Pale Amber                   COLOUR Pale golden
             BODY Medium                         BODY Medium                         BODY Light
             MALTS Pale                          MALTS Ale, Maris Otter, & Caramunich  MALTS Ale and Wheat
             HOPS Vic Secret, Pacifica           HOPS Columbus, Galaxy, Cascade & Centennial  HOPS Vic Secret, El Dorado & Galaxy
                CANECUTTER’S STORY                      BETTY’S STORY                  7TH HEAVEN’S STORY
             Post  WW2  an  influx  of  immigrants  found   She  ruled  a  local  watering  hole  not  with   Visiting Far North Queensland, you soon
             work on sugarcane farms. In the sweltering   an iron fist, but with a trusted and slightly   discover why many come for a getaway, and
             sun  the  cane  cutters  worked  the  fields.   rusted pitchfork. A staunch defender of the   a good many never go home. It’s a feeling
             Wielding their cane knife they set a rhythm   good times and good life in Port Douglas,   that  can’t  be  explained  on  the  back  of a
             without complaint. The more they cut, the   she inspired the beer you hold in your   beer, and yet we’ve somehow managed to
             more they earned.  Stopping only for a quick   hand.                    capture it in one. But don’t take our word for
             drink they pressed on tirelessly. Here’s                                it, take a sip and feel it for yourself.
             cheers to our canecutters.

               ALL ABOUT THE BREW                  ALL ABOUT THE BREW                  ALL ABOUT THE BREW
             Clean,  citrus  flavours  on  the  palate  with   A  flavourful  Pale  Ale  with  biscuity  and   Aromas of pineapple and juicy citrus. Very
             light tropical, passionfruit and watermelon   caramel  sweetness  balanced  by a  hearty   easy  drinking with low bitterness levels
             aromas.  Showcasing  great Australian   bitterness and distinct citrussy and tropical   and  bright  finish.  A  very  refreshing  and
             hops with a low bitterness and a crisp,   fruit hop aroma.              sessionable beer.
             refreshing finish.
                   FOOD PAIRING                        FOOD PAIRING                        FOOD PAIRING
                        N17 Burger Co                    Melaleuca Restaurant                Hemingway’s Brewery
                     N17 HOUSE SPECIAL                  12 HOUR BEEF CHEEK                  MARGHERITA PIZZA
             Black Angus beef patty, American cheese,     Creamed Potatos,                  San Marzano tomatoes,
               lettuce, tomato, pickles, mustard and   Glazed Baby Carrots and Red Wine Jus  mozzarella, fresh basil
                  ketchup, on a glazed milk bun
             The  clean  citrus  flavours  of  the  lager   We  have  partnered  our  dish  with   With aromas of pineapple and juicy citrus
             pair perfectly  with  the  fresh  salad.  The   Hemingway’s Pitchfork Betty’s Pale Ale.  It     7th Heaven Tropical Ale pairs beautifully
             carbonation helps cut though the richness   compliments  our  slow  cooking  technique   with  the  simple  Margherita  flavours  of
             and each sip provides the perfect palate   used in our 12-hour beef cheek. It provides   San  Marzano  tomatoes,  fresh  basil &
             cleanser.  The  result  is  an  explosion  of   the perfect balance with the sweetness of   mozzarella.  The  saltiness  of the  pizza
             flavours  leaving  you  with  that  refreshing   beer’s caramel notes and the richness of   and the low bitter refreshing finish of this
             Canecutter finish. Burgers and beer, what   this beef dish. The flavoured aromas of this   Tropical  Ale  are  quite  literally  a  match
             a top match.                        beer also cut nicely through the red wine   made in Heaven.
                                                 jus and roasted shallot combination. Enjoy.

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