Page 52 - Port Douglas Magazine 31
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               ort Douglas  has  a  plethora  of
               excellent watering holes.  Think
               pubs, restaurants, cocktail bars and
         Peven boats. Whether your personal
          preference is waterfront, golf course views,
          pool side or the vibrance of the heart of
          town, rest assured you will not go thirsty in
          our little town.
          But  when  it  comes  to  pairing  drinks  with   MR.WONG                     TUNNEL 10
          food, beer can often be forgotten. However
          in recent years  and with the  rise of the         Hef                                Lager
          craft beer industry we are becoming more          5% ABV                             4.2% ABV
          adventurous and looking to artisanal beers
          for  innovative  new  varieties  and  flavours   COLOUR Pale Straw      COLOUR Straw pale
          to  enjoy  alone  or with  a  bite.    Beers  that   BODY Medium        BODY Light
          complement,  contrast  and  even  cleanse   MALTS Ale and Wheat         MALTS Pale
          our palates  are taking  our gourmet   HOPS Citra and Wakatu            HOPS Spalter & Motueka
          experiences to new heights.
                                                   MR WONG’S STORY                    TUNNEL 10’S STORY
          So we decided to sample some of the line
          up  from  our  local  Hemingway’s  Brewery   He came to Australia looking to dig up   In 1910, during the construction of the
          and ask our resident food experts to pair   gold, but instead ended up growing it.   Cairns-Kuranda  railway,  a  landslide
          their Hemingway’s choice with one of their   Thanks to Mr. Wong and his Chinese   downed Tunnel 10 and the supply of
          personal favourites from their menu.   compatriots, the banana industry in   ale. With brains, brawn, and beer as
                                               FNQ flourished, ensuring a prosperous   motivation, workers perilously rolled
          Yes, move over wine lovers… it’s time to let   future for many of the towns in these   barrels of brew around a mountain to
          the beer appreciation commence:      parts – give that man a beer that has a   ensure cheer was served – cheers to that.
                                               lingering banana aroma.

                                                 ALL ABOUT THE BREW                  ALL ABOUT THE BREW
                                               A  traditionally styled Hefeweizen with   A light bodied, refreshing, clean lager with
                                               prominent clove and  banana aroma,   a subtle grassy, spicy hop note and crisp
                                               medium body, low bitterness & tart, spritzy   finish.
                                               character from increased carbonation
                                               provides for a refreshing finish.
                                                     FOOD PAIRING                        FOOD PAIRING
                                                       Zinc Restaurant & Bar                Salsa Bar & Grill
                                                          PORK BELLY                       PACIFIC OYSTERS
                                                    Honey and Bourbon Glazed,             Natural, Nam Pla Prik,
                                                       Apple & Ginger Puree               Goma Shabu, Wakame
                                               The texture of the pork suits perfectly;   The crisp clean palate of the tunnel 10
                                               twice cooked, sous vide and then grilled.   lager naturally accents the minerality and
                                               After  all  in  Germany,  as  Rene  says,  pork   saltiness  of  the  freshly  shucked  pacific
                                               and Hef is a perfect match. It is glazed with   oysters. The combination serving natural
                                               honey and bourbon, which pairs well with   oysters  with  the  goma  shabu  and  nam
                                               the  clove  and  banana  flavours  and  the   plah prik dressings simply elevates  the
                                               toasted  apples and ginger purée match   palate to a truly magical culinary pairing.
                                               well the zesty layers of this beer.

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