Page 75 - Port Douglas Magazine 30
P. 75


                                Quandong                                            Southern Cassowary

                                Boyd’s Rainforest Dragon
                                                                                    “THERE ARE FEW OTHER
                                                                                    EXPERIENCES THAT WILL
                                                                                    FIND A PERMANENT
                                                                                    PLACE IN YOUR MEMORY
                                                                                    THAN THE SIGHT OF A

                                                                                    SOUTHERN CASSOWARY
                                                                                    AND CHICKS TAKING A
                                                                                    CASUAL STROLL THROUGH
                                                                                    THE RAINFOREST”

            endangered this species is. Nothing prepares you for their size and   When you have a passion for what you do, it’s not a job, it becomes
            there’s always a moment of apprehension knowing the terror this   a  privilege.  There  is  tremendous  satisfaction  in  taking  visitors
            prehistoric bird will cause if provoked.               out each day and showing them the best part of the best area in
            This  is  a  place  where  time  stood  still  and  every  new  day  in  the   Australia.
            Daintree Rainforest is a unique experience just waiting to happen.   If  you  drive  and  walk  yourself  into  the  rainforest  and  return
            On a single day you can find yourself swimming in a refreshing   mindset that ‘’it was a nice drive, but nothing special’’ then you’re
            stream, witnessing a pair of sunbirds build their nest, enjoying the   not getting the full picture.
            solitude of a deserted beach and observing the sand bubbler crabs   Take a walk with a Rainforest guide who will patiently explain each
            tunnel their way through the sand.                     natural wonder and you’ll return with a completely different view.
            Our  rare  and  remarkable  wildlife  is  endless.  How  fortunate  are   Experience what an amazing place the Daintree Rainforest really is
            we when we can share with our guests the sighting of the rare and   and like many other visitors you’ll also return saying, “It was the
            bashful Bennett’s Tree Kangaroo or watch the courting display of a   highlight of our holiday.”
            Victoria’s Rifle bird.
            I am frequently asked how I keep motivated day in and day out   Tony Burke is owner and guide for Tony’s Tropical Tours
            when guiding. My reply is simple.
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