Page 70 - Port Douglas Magazine 30
P. 70
WORDS by Michael Joseph
any years ago I had to fly on holiday excites you the most and leave everything commit to anything. They leave having
Mall the way to Hawaii to realise what else for next time. done nothing, feeling exhausted and full of
it was like to be a tourist in Port Douglas. This immediately takes the pressure off, disappointment.
I had images of me waking up at sunrise leaving you to enjoy and be present in the And, by the way, if lying by the pool doing
and heading to a morning yoga class. moment of the experience right in front of nothing is your decision, that’s ok too.
Having a breakfast smoothie at some hip you. Accept it, own it and now you can begin to
health spot then heading to the beach enjoy yourself.
where I would imagine sipping coconut ROUTINE IS IMPORTANT
water and watching the turtles. DO SOMETHING ON YOUR OWN
In Ayurveda, ancient Indian medicine,
routine is everything! When travelling with friends and family it’s
NONE OF THAT HAPPENED! People make the error of ‘sleeping in’ and important to schedule some ‘me-time’
Instead I woke up disappointed that I had not sticking to any routine that resembles I find that booking something ‘just-for-you’
missed yet-another-morning-yoga-class. I their daily lives. in advance and letting everyone know is a
would order a coffee instead of a smoothie Ayurveda states this is very challenging great idea. That way they too can organise
wondering if I had picked the best and to the nervous system which thrives on their “me time experience” either at the
coolest place. I frantically pored over routine. same time or separately if you have kids.
brochures unable to decide what I wanted to There is a phenomenon called ‘the let- The excitement for the holiday grows and
do to only end up doing nothing! My time down effect’ where people madly rush and everyone is happy before you have even left
on the beach was spent looking at my phone organise to be ready for their holiday only home.
and my evenings resting on the balcony, to collapse on their arrival, sleep in and then
looking at the sunset, which whilst lovely get sick as the body goes into a crisis mode. BOOK YOUR RELAXATION AT THE
still left me wondering why I didn’t feel Instead, why not wake up at the same time BEGINNING OF YOUR STAY
more relaxed! you normally would at home but really By far the biggest mistake people make is
It didn’t take me long to realise that I had enjoy the morning. booking their massage, yoga class, tour or
done what many tourists do ... I had over Walk on Four Mile Beach, take a yoga class relaxation experience at the end of their stay.
analysed and put so much expectation on or a dip in the pool. People think that by doing this they will go
my holiday that I had squeezed the life out Forget the sleep in - the key is to wake
back home relaxed.
of it! and then keep moving, gently, slowly and It’s a far better strategy to get relaxed from
Fortunately for me, I re-corrected halfway quietly. Your mind and body will thank you the very beginning.
and managed to enjoy the rest of my stay. for it. Seasoned travellers always book a massage
So now, I have a new approach to all my or spa experience the morning after their
holidays. ‘SOME’ DECISION MAKING IS arrival. Why? They settle the nervous
IMPORTANT system, drop into the here and now and
ASSUME YOU WILL RETURN Our lives are full of decisions so it’s ultimately into their holiday.
People arrive hoping to do EVERYTHING understandable that we need to have a break Arrive relaxed, leave even more relaxed!
there is to do. I appreciate this but now from our responsibilities. However, making
believe the better strategy is to pick one no decisions can be equally stressful. Michael Joseph is the founder and head
or two things, enjoy them and also the I meet many visitors who want to do teacher at The Deep Retreat.
anticipation that one day you will be back to everything, and spend days running
see everything you missed. around researching “things to do.” Scared
Stop trying to tick every box. Only do what to make a decision, they never actually