Page 74 - Port Douglas Magazine 30
P. 74


          RAINFOREST ...

          An inspiring journey

          WORDS by Tony Burke

                      any guests visiting the Daintree Rainforest   golden orb spider weave its web in total harmony.
                      have high expectations - for some it’s a   Our ‘’office’’ (as many tour guides relate to the Daintree) certainly
                      ‘’bucket  list’’ or  a ‘’once in a lifetime’’   has its fair share of unique and bizarre plants and wildlife. The eerie
         Mexperience,  for  me  it’s  to  fulfill  their        call of a bush stone curlew can leave many people guessing as to
                                                                whether someone is being attacked, being held up by a lawyer vine
          expectations and guide them through the oldest living
                                                                while walking through the Rainforest can make you wander what’s
          rainforest in the world.                              just whipped you. Then there’s also that first sighting of a saltwater
          There  is  something  intangible  about  the  Daintree  Rainforest  that   crocodile in the wild that draws you unnervingly to its sheer mass
          captures the senses. The smell of the rainforest during and after the   and  the  size  of  its  teeth  or  the  occasional  greeting  by  a  monitor
          rain, the sighting of a boyd’s forest dragon or the elusive platypus   lizard, ever inquisitive and an expert scavenger.
          in the first light of day fills me with emotion and makes me realize   Where else can you find words such as Spangled Drongo, Wompoo
          what an incredible job I have.                        Dove, Katydid, Chowchilla, Quandong, Pademelon or Idiot Fruit
          The Daintree Rainforest contains 12 of the 19 primitive flowering   amongst many other weird and wonderful names.
          plants on earth and has been described by many as heaven on earth,    There are few other experiences that will find a permanent place in
          a place where you can completely immerse yourself in peacefulness   your memory than the sight of a Southern Cassowary and chicks
          and  tranquillity  where  you  can  hear  a  bird’s  melody  or  watch  a   taking a casual stroll through the rainforest, knowing how rare and

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