Page 17 - Port Douglas Magazine 30
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Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures

            The right ways include:
                                                                          IT’S EASY TO STAY SAFE IN
            Solar Whisper Crocodile Cruise
                                                                                CROC COUNTRY
            Meet  the  fearsome  locals  in  their  natural  environment
            while traveling the iconic Daintree River in the heart of croc   Simple, right! Follow these easy rules and no person or croc has to be
            country. Get up close in the wild on Solar Whispers’ ultra-  a statistic.
            quiet electric boats with zero emissions. The guides are a   Firstly, it is up to YOU to be safe. Every day we make choices to be safe,
            fountain of information, their knowledge of local crocs and   like not walking into heavy traffic or not putting salt in your eyes, this
            wildlife are on point with commentary and fun facts.   is the same. Don’t tempt fate or fate may not fall favourably.
            Wildlife Habitat                                    Your first sign that you should proceed with caution are the warning
                                                                signs, if you’re unsure, DON’T. Expect crocodiles in most Far North
            A  Port  Douglas  icon  right  in  town,  is  home  the  world’s   waterways, even if there aren’t any signs. Best practice is to just stay
            only  “Predator  Plank”.  Stand  above  the  region’s  beloved   out of saltwater rivers.
            toothy monster croc, Babinda, with nothing more than mere
            netting and a narrow plank between you. It’s pretty much   If “persistent like a Crocodile” isn’t a saying yet, then it should be. Just
                                                                because you can’t see a crocodile doesn’t mean there isn’t one lurking
            the closest you can get to a hungry crocodile and talk about
            it.  If  you’re  looking  for  something  more  cuddly,  you  can   around. They can stay underwater and unseen for up to four hours
            hold a koala or hand feed a kangaroos too.          without even a breath.
                                                                If enjoying a tropical sunset or sunrise, be extra vigilant at dusk and
            The Lady Douglas
                                                                dawn, crocs are more active during these times.
            A  classic  &  beautiful  riverboat,  the  Lady  Douglas  takes   During  heavy  rain,  floods  or  high  tides  crocs  can  end  up  in  some
            you searching for Estuarine Crocodiles and other wildlife,   unusual places, moving them into territories where they haven’t been
            cruising through the mangrove forests around Port Douglas.
                                                                seen before.
            Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures                      Got your fishing line in a tangle? Leave the lure, line-casters have been
            There’s a lot of excitement here with a jaw opening surprise   snapped while recovering a lucky lure, even though they didn’t see a
            at every turn that would love to give you the chomp.  It’s   crocodile there all day, that’s very unlucky.
            also a great spot to flip the script and take a bite out of one -   Those  big  metal  boxes  you  may  see  are  traps.  Stay  well  away  from
            try a croc burger or shop for top-quality designer bags at the   crocodile traps. They are designed to attract hungry crocodiles, so avoid
            region’s original sustainable crocodile farm.       fishing, boating and selfies (yes, some dough heads did this) near them.
            All of these operators strive to make a big difference through   If caught interfering some stiff penalties will apply, up to your life.
            engaging  wildlife  experiences  to  better  create  and  share   Don’t  make  your  day  at  the  beach  rememberable  for  all  the  wrong
            knowledge while promoting awareness and conservation.  reasons:
                                                                •   Swim between the flags at patrolled beaches.
            The Pointy End                                      •   Do not swim at dawn, dusk or at night.
            There’s  always  going  to  be  a  ‘thrashing  like  a  crocodile’   •   Read and obey all crocodile warning signs.
            debate regarding our prehistoric neighbours. That’s healthy,   •   Understand that crocodiles usually hunt by staying submerged and
            as it keeps people from becoming complacent. Regardless   can attack in knee-deep water, so wading can still be dangerous.
            of  yours  or  my  thoughts  they  are  a  unique  part  of  the   •   Removing one crocodile doesn’t eliminate the risk of an attack.
            character up here. Both amazing and unnerving they need
                                                                •   Always  be  vigilant  and  if  you  ever  think  you  see  a  crocodile
            to be respected. It’s prevention that will allow us to live in
            harmony. Always think twice and be croc-wise, follow this   cruising near a beach report it to 1300 130 327 before you Facebook
            and you can safely experience paradise in croc country.   live it.

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