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protected  species.  Queensland  grudgingly   instruments of mass death, actively hunting   Proactively  it’s  with  the  same  mother  of
         followed suit three years later, but I guess old   humans.              invention that can allow us to safely co-exist
         habits are hard to break because its said that   Surprisingly  to  the  media,  crocodiles  don’t   with Saltwater Crocodiles in Tropical North
         crocs were still being shot illegally well into   tend  to  go  out  of  their  way  to  make  a   Queensland. Through technology and good
         the 80s. There’s still plenty of people around   meal  out  of  people.  As  aggressive  hunters   old common sense, Port Douglas Daintree is
         who will tell you about swimming and water   as  crocodiles  are,  they  are  opportunistic   leading the way in crocodile management.
         skiing on the Daintree river. Seriously people   predators.  This  means  they  don’t  like   To  keep  on  the  croc-pulsating  cusp  of
         did this, yikes!                    “things” (people) in their space and they will   who’s  lurking  where,  rangers  are  hitting
                                             certainly let you know in a not so subtle way.   the  waterways  and  the  skies  in  boats  and
         Snapping On                                                             helicopters  surveying  across  ‘croc’  country.
                                             With immense remorse for the victims, their
         Prevailing in the jaws of victory, wild crocodile   families  and  the  crocodiles  (who  will  then   They  are  keeping  a  keen  expert  eye  on
         numbers  are  on  the  mend  since  protection   be  hunted  and  euthanased)  whenever  this   crocodile  biology  and  monitoring  crocodile
         was  introduced.  But  the  truth  is  their   happens the big “cull or not to cull” debate is   populations, including by sizes and whether
         population  in  Queensland  will  never  fully   the hot topic in the news, by politicians and   crocodile   populations   are   increasing,
         recoup  due  to  habitat  loss  and  coastal   in the pubs.             decreasing or remaining steady at different
         development. The loss of wetland areas from   How likely are crocodile attacks?   places across their range.
         urban expansion has left them with limited                              Keeping  it  safe  by  managing  problem
         spaces to nest.                     In  reality,  crocodile  attacks  in Australia  are   crocs. The Department of Environment and
                                             low, largely due of the success of educational
         Thanks to dedicated conservation and education   programs  to  be  croc-wise  in  croc  country.   Science  (DES)  investigates  every  crocodile
         efforts, they have been given a renewal on life.   These are aimed at warning people to think   sighting report it receives; installs temporary
         This  is  such  a  relief  since  crocodiles  play  a                   and  permanent  warning  signs,  removes
                                             twice,  reminding  them  of  the  dangers  of
         vital  role  in  keeping  wetland  ecosystems   crocodile  populated  waters.  In  actual  fact,   “problem” crocodiles and operates a publicly
         healthy. Without them things would go pretty   more people die from cows, bees and selfie   accessible “CrocWatch” database.
         topsy-turvy.  They  help  keep  the  balance  in   accidents.           There’s  an  old  proverb  that  goes:  “If  you
         the  intricate  web  of  life  in  freshwater  and                      can’t  beat  them,  send  in  drone  patrol.”  –
         estuarine ecosystems. They are key predators   What’s  more  bonkers  is  that  the  majority   Yup  Port  Douglas  Surf  Life  Saving  is  trail
         at the top of the food chain that eat a wide   of  crocodile  attacks  aren’t  aimed  at   blazing advanced croc warning systems with
         range  of  prey  ensuring  certain  populations   unsuspecting  tourists  but  rather  on  locals   drone technology.  They can better identify
         are in check.                       who seem to be alien to common sense. Often   crocodiles  instead  of  logodiles,  ensuring
                                             times fuelled by too much grog, a dare and a
         Crocodiles have shaped the world around us   complacent “can’t happen to me” mentality.   ample time if the beach needs to be closed.
         for more than 250 million years. If they were   But it only takes one error of poor judgment   THINK. THINK. THINK.
         to be lost it would have a dramatic flow on   to change things.         Knowledge  is  king  as  they  say.  The  region’s
         effect to the world as we know it.
                                             To  co-exist  is  easy,  we’ve  been  doing  it  for   risk reduction through their influential ‘Croc-
         Crocodile Rocking                   thousands of years - Keep your distance, and   wise’ public education is going guns blazing
                                                                                 -  DES  delivers  a  public  awareness  program,
                                             everything will be okay.
         Can We Co-Exist?                                                        promoting  safe  behaviour  for  locals  and
                                             EVERYBODY’S HAPPY!
         Are saltwater crocodiles dangerous?                                     visitors to the area. This program is in part of
         A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.LY.                 Leading The Way In Croc             local governments, the tourism sector and Surf
         Kind  of  like  peanuts  are  deadly  to  some   Management             Life Saving Queensland – we’ve all got your
                                                                                 back, if you have your own.
         people, but if they’re managed properly any
         incident  can  be  prevented.  So  just  think  of   Under normal circumstances humans shouldn’t
                                             be at the top of the “natural” food chain, we  Best Places To Smile At Crocodiles
         crocs  as  peanuts  and  everyone  is  allergic,
         people  just  need  to  be  smart  and  mindful   kind  of  cheated  our  way  up  there  through   For anyone visiting the Port Douglas Daintree
         about how they interact or not interact with   the invention of tools. Reality check is if left   area  witnessing  a  crocodile  is  high  on  the
         crocodiles.                         alone with anything not cute enough to be   bucket  list.  But  there  is  a  wrong  way  and
                                             sold  at  the  Disney  Store,  then  chances  are   a right way of doing this - the wrong way:
         If  there  is  an  unfortunate  crocodile  attack,   nature will take the win on a man vs nature
         the  media  is  quick  to  send  fear  waves  of   scenario.            trying to impress a girl or attempting a drop-
         nature’s “supervillain” running rampant as                              dead selfie.

           Wildllife Habitat

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