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rocodiles  -  they have  long   taken  by  predators.  Life  outside  the  shell   Shedding A Crocodile Tear
                   fascinated the human imagination   isn’t easy, so it’s a small miracle any of them   It  was  a  wild  time  in  Tropical  North
                   in folklore and myths as symbols   survive their first year - being the “chicken   Queensland (TNQ) during the 1940’s all the
            Cof        strength,   confidence   and   nuggets” on Mother Nature’s menu means a   way until the 70’s. In these decades it was
            resilience. Seemingly immortal, their   staggering 99% of them will be eaten, that’s   open season for crocodile hunting, meaning
            plight reminds us that life is precious and   even  with  a  whopping  40  -  90  eggs  being   anyone  with  a  boat  and  a  gun  was  in  the
            should  be embraced  at all costs.  Through   laid.  Despite  Mum’s  best  efforts  she  can’t   handbag  business.  The  allure  of  adventure
            millions  of years of existence,  it’s  the   take care of them all.    and the opportunity to make a mint by selling
            crocodile’s spirit that gives life and power.     The  carnivorous  critters  that  make  it  to   the saltie’s soft underbelly overseas brought
            Reflective  of  the  people  who  call  Tropical   maturity become the undisputed champs of   on avid breed of “Crocodile Hunters”.
            North  Queensland  home,  there’s  a  mutual   the waterways. Covered in armour, a mouth   Crikey,  with  all  the  hurly  burly  of  pop  up
            resilience to what nature throws at them and   full of gnarly teeth and a powerful jaw force   croc shooting safaris, crocs strung up in trees
            both  are  always  up  for  a  “chinwag”,  well   that  can  crush  lawnmowers  matched  with
                                                                                    ready  for  skinning,  suddenly  something
            in a much different sense. The people here   a  “give  no  F’s  attitude”  strikes  fear  in  the   unprecedented started to happen that hadn’t
            have a definite affinity for these magnificent   animal kingdom.        in more than 250 million years to an animal
            beasts  with  a  relationship  status  that  says                       that  outlasted  T-Rex  and  world  wars  one
            “It’s complicated”
                                                      “CONSEQUENTLY                 & two … they were declining in devasting
                                                                                    numbers. It was closing in on the demise of
            In A Land Before Time                NOWADAYS, SALTWATER                a species that’s greatest skill was to survive.
            A Dinosour Survives                    CROCODILES ARE THE               To put those times in a bit of perspective let
            There  aren’t  too  many  places  in  the  world   MOST MASSIVE OF ALL   me tell you a story of old Miss Potvin: You
            that  boast  awe-inspiring  natural  wonders   LIVING REPTILES AND ARE   see, hearsay tells the tale of a tough as nails,
            that  have  escaped  time,  but  exploring                              rugged as guts sheila who religiously went
            Port  Douglas  Daintree  is  different  from   THE LARGEST TERRESTRIAL   on outings in her aluminium tinny, rifle in
            anywhere  else  in  the  world.  The  area  is   APEX PREDATORS IN THE   hand  and  would  trawl  down  croc  known
            full of everlasting life from long, long ago.   WORLD.”                 rivers  during  dusk  and  dawn.  When  she
            With more than 50,000 years of Indigenous                               spotted  something  lurking  beneath,  she’d
            culture, a 500,000 years young Great Barrier                            lock  and  load,  look  the  coldblooded  beast
            Reef  to  the  world’s  oldest  living  Daintree   Saltwater  Crocodiles  spend  much  of  their   in their glowing eyes and shoot them dead.
            Rainforest,  seriously  this  place  is  like   time  in  water,  and  contrary  to  the  name   As it’s told, old Miss Potvin single handedly
            stepping into Jurassic Park.        they are often found in freshwater systems.   took the skins of more than 10,000 (yes ten
            However, there is one resident older than all   Stealthy  and  cunning,  their  eyes,  nostrils   thousand) plus crocodiles.
            of these combined - the remarkable Saltwater   and ears are on top of their heads to ensure   Full disclosure, the tale of Miss Potvin may
            or Estuarine Crocodile, trotting the earth for   that they know what’s going on all around   not be totally accurate because during those
            more  than  250  million  years.  Even  when   them  while  their  bodies  are  completely   times  there  was  no  true  documentation  of
            Mother  Nature  hit  the  reset  button  during   submerged.  Faster  than  an  Olympic   the unregulated hunting of crocs. It was fair
            the Ice Age, crocs haven’t had too much of   swimmer  in  the  water  by  swaying  their   game – every man and croc for themselves,
            a makeover. When you’re the poster boy for   jacked  tails  from  side  to  side,  they  also   and in this instance, it was man who was the
            survival,  evolution  likes  to  see  how  things   have  a  pretty  impressive  vertical  leap  and   aggressor. The killer.
            will  play  out.  Crocodiles  have  been  alive   they can run incredibly fast, though not for   Sadly,  this  does  highlight  the  croc  hunting
            so  long  they  are  considered  living  fossils   very  long,  phew!  Short  of  flying,  crocs  are   fever  of  the  time.  It  wasn’t  until  the  mid-
            – that’s in the same category as Horseshoe   dangerous everywhere. Plus, they coined a   1960s  when  punters  started  to  take  notice
            Crabs and Keith Richards.           sinister move called the “death roll” - that’s   that  their  bread  and  butter  was  getting
            Consequently nowadays, Saltwater Crocodiles   when they drag their prey underwater and   harder  to  find.  As  a  result  of  the  hunting
            are  the  most  massive  of  all  living  reptiles   spin it around like a toddler who’s had one   pressure  for  designer  goods,  this  led  to  a
            and are the largest terrestrial apex predators   too many lollies.      near genocide of Saltwater Crocodiles.  It’s
            in the world. Sounds grim right? However,   There  is  little  wonder  that  they  are  the   believed 95% of the prehistoric wonders had
            they come from a humble start in life. You   throwback  dinosaurs,  making  them  the   been wiped out of TNQ.
            see baby crocodiles (side note – they are the   modern-day alpha animal. Everything about   Crocodile  liberation  came  in  1971  when
            cutest  things  out  when  hatched)  are  often   them is truly terrifying and fascinating.   governments  started  to  declare  them  a
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