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               s you immerse yourself in the wonders   For  those  seeking  relaxation,  take  a  refreshing
               of  the  Daintree Rainforest  and  its   dip in the sparkling outdoor saltwater pool,
         Abreathtaking surroundings, be sure to   conveniently located near the beach and the
          extend your journey to Cape Trib Beach House,   inviting Tides Bar & Restaurant. This delightful

          where a perfect blend of comfort and adventure   dining spot offers delectable meals any time of
          awaits, right at the edge of this extraordinary   day in a warm, open-air atmosphere. Celebrated
          wilderness.                        by both locals and travellers alike, the restaurant
          Set on seven acres of dense rainforest with   features daily specials that cater to a range of
          private  access  beach  frontage,  Cape  Trib  Beach   dietary needs, ensuring that every palate is

          House invites you to unwind and reconnect. It’s a   satisfied.
          sanctuary where you can step away from the chaos

          of everyday life and enjoy precious moments with   “Cosy cabins beckon you to drift off
          your family, friends, and within yourself.  to sleep, accompanied by the soothing
          Nestled within the lush greenery are 27 cosy   sounds of the ocean, and awaken to the

          cabins that beckon you to drift off to sleep,
          accompanied by the soothing sounds of the   cheerful songs of native birds.”  the vibrant landscape that surrounds the resort
          ocean, and awaken to the cheerful songs of native                      remains thriving and beautiful.
          birds. With a diverse range of accommodations,
          there is something to suit every type of traveller,   As night falls, the enchanting wildlife of the   While you enjoy the beauty of nature, you can
          whether you are part of a group, a family, or a   region begins to emerge. Keep your eyes peeled   feel great knowing you’re supporting a place
          couple seeking a romantic getaway.  for the resident Bennett’s Tree Kangaroo, elusive   that values the environment as much as you
                                                                                 do. Sustainability is central to Cape Trib Beach

          Comfortable options include the St Crispin   striped possums, and curious bandicoots. The   House’s operations. In this remote area without

          Cabins, equipped with king beds and positioned   fluttering of Hercules moths adds a touch of wild   town utilities, the resort utilises pure bore water
          closest to the beach, while Mackay Cabins, just 20   charm to the evening, while the large, harmless   with UV filtration, manages its own sewage

          metres away, provide an ideal retreat for couples.   Golden Orb spiders weaving their intricate webs   plant and places a strong emphasis on recycling,
          Families can enjoy the spacious Ribbon Cabin,   further contribute to the area’s natural allure.  highlighting  a  steadfast  commitment to  eco-
          which comfortably sleeps three; the Escape Cabin,   Cape Trib Beach House holds a special place in   conscious practices.
          accommodating four; or the expansive Endeavour   the history of this region. Originally established

          Cabin, which can host up to six guests.  in 1978 as Pilgrim Sands, it was the first   Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or a
                                                                                 deeper connection with nature and loved ones,

          This resort offers a true digital detox, encouraging   accommodation in Cape Tribulation.  Cape Trib Beach House offers everything you

          guests to fully embrace the magical allure of   In  2000,  two  dedicated  business  partners  from   need to discover the beauty of Australia’s natural

          Cape Tribulation. With no wi-fi or mobile phone   South-East Queensland purchased the property   wonders.  The  Daintree  Rainforest  is  not  just  a

          coverage, you have the perfect opportunity to   and transformed it into the resort we know today,   place  to  unwind; it’s an  opportunity  to  connect
          reconnect with nature and your loved ones.  committed to creating an enchanting sanctuary in   with nature in its purest form. As you prepare to
          With the beach just a stone’s throw away,   this stunning locale.      return to the hustle and bustle of daily life, carry
          exploration is a must. Sunrises and sunsets at   An  extensive  refurbishment  in 2021 revitalised   the spirit of this enchanting sanctuary with you,
          Cape Tribulation are moments of pure magic.   every aspect of the property, breathing new life   allowing it to inspire your sense of adventure. And

          As  you  gaze  out  at  the  ocean,  you  might  spot   into its offerings. Thoughtfully upgraded cabins   remember, the rainforest will always welcome you
          crocodiles, turtles, playful dolphins, or even reef   now boast all the modern furnishings you would   back with open arms!
          sharks gliding elegantly beneath the waves. On   expect from a charming getaway, and the Tides
          land, keep an eye out for the resident cassowary   Bar & Restaurant, is a vibrant place to hang out

          and its chicks, who can often be seen roaming   and enjoy a drink. In a commitment to preserving
          the property, as well as the majestic lace monitor   the lush natural environment, arborists were    07 4098 0030
          lizards.                           brought in to conduct a tree audit, ensuring
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