Page 92 - Port Douglas Magazine 42
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Cape Tribulation
                WELCOME TO THE WILDERNESS                                                                                                CROCODILE EXPRESS

                          A Timeless Journey through the Daintree Rainforest                                                             Greater Daintree Wildlife Cruises

                                                       WORDS by Jamie Jansen                                                             No visit to the Daintree would be complete without a thrilling crocodile   After an exhilarating day on the river, consider a stop at the Croc Xpresso

                                                                                                                                         cruise. The Daintree River is one of the premier locations in Tropical North   Café in Daintree Village, open daily for breakfast and lunch. Indulge in
                                                                                                                                         Queensland for spotting these prehistoric predators. The perfect starting   unique dishes like Croc Burgers, Croc Spring Rolls, and Barra Burgers,

            n the hectic pace of modern life, we all yearn for a sanctuary where   - the Daintree Rainforest is the only place on Earth where two UNESCO   point for this adventure is the charming and historic Daintree Village.   coupled with great coffee and Daintree tea.

            we can escape the chaos and reconnect with nature. The Daintree   World Heritage sites meet: the Daintree Rainforest and the Great Barrier   Instead of turning right to the river ferry, continue north along Captain

         IRainforest is one such haven, a timeless realm that immediately   Reef. Rainforest-clad mountains sweep dramatically down to pristine sandy   Cook Highway into Daintree Village - a quirky, historic town known as the
          envelops you in its serene calm the moment you step into its lush   beaches, transporting you to a raw and wild environment reminiscent of a   region’s original settlement.                                                   07 4098 6120
          wilderness.                                          real-life Jurassic Park.                                                  Once there, Crocodile Express - Greater Daintree Wildlife Cruises will take

          Renowned naturalist Sir David Attenborough described the Daintree as “the   This comparison is especially fitting if you are fortunate enough to catch a   you exploring the oldest rainforest on Earth with their experienced river   Save 10 percent by booking online

          most extraordinary place on Earth”, and it’s easy to see why. This ancient   glimpse of the elusive Southern Cassowary, a majestic flightless bird closely   guides, offering guests the chance to see saltwater crocodiles, various bird    with the promo code “DAINTREE”

          forest, thriving for about 180 million years, predates the Amazon by tens of   related to the emu. Found only in the tropical regions of North Queensland   species and numerous reptiles in their natural habitat. Established in 1979,
          millions of years.                                   and Papua New Guinea, the cassowary has remained unchanged for about      Crocodile Express - Greater Daintree Wildlife Cruises specialises in guided
          Commonly referred to as the Daintree Rainforest, this ancient ecosystem   40 million years. As a keystone species, it plays a crucial role in the rainforest   wildlife tours focused on observing and learning about the rich flora and

          is located within Daintree National Park, which is divided into two main   ecosystem by consuming fallen  fruit  and  dispersing  seeds  through its   fauna of the Daintree Rainforest.
          sections: Mossman Gorge and the stretch between the Daintree River and   droppings, thus aiding the growth of many tree species.  The company is unique in offering two separate cruises at different locations

          Cape Tribulation. About a 20-minute drive from Port Douglas, Mossman                                                           along the river. The first cruise departs from the Daintree Village Jetty and

          Gorge features the crystal-clear waters of the Mossman River cascading   EXPERIENCES AWAIT                                     explores the Upper Daintree, where varied habitats - from dense rainforests
          over granite boulders. If you continue north and cross the Daintree River by   Just as special as the forest itself are the experiences waiting to unfold. Each   to  mangroves -  provide  ample  opportunities to  observe  an array  of  bird
          ferry, you venture deeper into this ancient forest, leading you to the stunning   corner of this rainforest reveals something new and magical. Wander along   species and reptiles, including saltwater crocodiles.
          landscapes of Cape Tribulation.                      wooden boardwalks or hike winding trails that lead to hidden waterfalls and

                                                               or take a refreshing dip in one of the pristine swimming holes. Don’t miss   The second cruise departs from the Daintree Gateway Jetty, navigating the
          A LIVING MUSEUM                                      the opportunity to delve into the rich cultural heritage of the traditional   estuary section of the river, which is home to the largest variety of mangrove

          This breathtaking expanse is teeming with an astonishing variety of flora   custodians, the Kuku Yalanji people, who have inhabited this region for more   forests in the Southern Hemisphere. These mangroves play a crucial role in

          and fauna found nowhere else on the planet. Recognised as one of the most   than 50,000 years. Their strong ancestral connection to the forest is shown   the ecosystem of the Daintree Rainforest region.

          vital and complex ecosystems in the world, the Daintree offers a remarkable   through their sustainable living practices and deep understanding of the   Each cruise lasts about one hour, with several departures throughout the day.
          journey back in time, a living museum where unique plants coexist with   land’s resources. Engaging with the Kuku Yalanji is not only enlightening; it   Best of all, with their ‘Come Back Again Free’ policy, guests can enjoy extra

          thousands of species of birds, animals, and reptiles in perfect harmony.  offers a valuable opportunity to honour a legacy closely tied to the rainforest.  cruises free of charge for up to 30 days - allowing you to experience both
          Adding to its uniqueness is the extraordinary convergence of land and sea                                                      river cruise locations for the price of one.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Estuarine Crocodile
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