Page 111 - Port Douglas Magazine 42
P. 111

Danny & Monica

            CAFE DULCE

            Located in the lively centre of Port Douglas, Café Dulce serves up
            a unique fusion of South American flavours alongside beloved
            Australian classics. This culinary fusion is a fitting reflection of its
            founders, Danny and Monica, who proudly embody a rich heritage
            that weaves together both South American and Australian influences.
            Danny, hailing from Argentina, carries with him a colourful history.
            His parents first set foot in Australia in 1973, driven by dreams of a
            better future. However, when Danny was just three months old, they   As a duo, Danny and Monica manage their business effectively.
            returned to Argentina, where he spent his childhood. At the age of   Danny oversees the café while Monica works full-time as an office
            13, the family re-emigrated to Australia, ultimately settling in Sydney.   manager at a local engineering company also lending a hand at the
            Monica shares a similar background, her parents also emigrating   café on weekends. Monica handles the bookkeeping, allowing Danny
            from Argentina to Australia in the seventies, and she was born and   to focus on the day-to-day operations.
            raised in Sydney.                                           Though they often describe themselves as opposites, like cats and
            Fate brought Monica and Danny together in 2004 at a gay nightclub   dogs, they complement each other beautifully. Danny can be hot-
            during Danny’s brother’s 30th birthday. Introduced by a mutual   headed, while Monica remains calm and level-headed. He excels in
            friend, they felt an immediate connection. Danny was captivated by   business with a savvy entrepreneurial spirit that she doesn’t always
            Monica’s adventurous spirit, particularly impressed by her driving   share. This balance works well for them, as Monica often helps soothe
            skills on their first date. While Monica was initially drawn to Danny’s   Danny when he gets agitated.
            good looks, their shared South American heritage deepened their   As busy parents, Danny and Monica navigate the demands of family
            bond. Just a month after their first date, Danny proposed.  life and their responsibilities. Their two daughters, Selena, 17, and
            As the years went by, the couple grew weary of the hectic pace in   Elena,  11, pitch in  at the  café  on weekends, adding  to  the family
            Sydney  and longed  for a  more  relaxed  lifestyle.  Monica  reassured   dynamic. Balancing work and home keep the couple on their toes,
            Danny that she would be open to moving anywhere in Australia if it   and they make a concerted effort to carve out quality time together.
            promised a better quality of life. Their journey took a significant turn   The couple has found solace in the friendly atmosphere that envelops
            in 2018 when they visited Port Douglas on holiday. They returned   Port Douglas. In their experience, walking down the street often
            the following year, eager to explore the possibility of starting a new   results in dozens of cheerful greetings, a stark contrast to the lack
            chapter in their lives, including the exciting prospect of opening a   of interaction in Sydney. They recall how, during the recent Cyclone
            business together.                                          Jasper disaster, they were unprepared for power outages. Fortunately,
            With more than 10 years of experience in the coffee industry, having   their next-door neighbour stepped up and connected them to his
            run mobile coffee vans since 2014, Danny felt a natural pull towards   generator, keeping their fridges running and phones charged. The duo
            this field. To their excitement, they stumbled upon a vacant shop that   emphasises that this spirit of friendship and support thrives in Port
            had previously been a café. Fuelled by enthusiasm, they decided to   Douglas, where genuinely caring neighbours truly make a difference.
            take a leap of faith and seize the opportunity.
            However, their plans encountered an unexpected setback when                                      @cafe__dulce
            Covid-19 hit. In February 2021, Danny moved to Port Douglas to set
            up the café, while Monica and the children stayed in Sydney, kept in
            limbo by strict border closures.
            By Easter that year, Monica and the girls were able to fly up for a week
            to proudly celebrate the grand opening of Café Dulce, a significant
            milestone that marked the fulfilment of their dream. After the
            celebration, they flew back to Sydney to finish packing up the house.
            As Danny managed the challenges of setting up the business on his
            own, the stress grew for the family. They had arranged a removalist,
            booked flights, and made travel plans for their dogs, only to face
            further delays. When Monica and the girls finally flew to Cairns, they
            were met with government restrictions that required another two-
            week quarantine.
            Despite these challenges, the couple persevered and finally reunited
            in July to begin their new life together. Over the course of three years,
            Cafė Dulce has cultivated not just a customer base but a community,
            with locals and returning holidaymakers forming the core of its
            support. A warm atmosphere characterised by familiar faces allowed
            the café to thrive.

             “Over the course of three years, Cafė Dulce
            has cultivated not just a customer base but
            a community, with locals and returning
            holidaymakers forming the core of its support”
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