Page 109 - Port Douglas Magazine 42
P. 109

Marty ventured to various venues across the
                                                                                       U.S.,  honing  their  sound  together.  When  they
                                                                                       returned to Port Douglas in 2016, they officially
                                                                                       launched Lady Valiant. That same year, the
                                                                                       couple celebrated their love by tying the knot in
                                                                                       Port Douglas. (Interesting sidenote: They opted
                                                                                       for a carefully curated playlist instead of live
                                                                                       music at their wedding, allowing their musician
                                                                                       friends to relax and enjoy the celebration.)
                                                                                       Over the following years, Marty and Glenna
                                                                                       focused on honing their sound. They began with
                                                                                       cover gigs before gradually integrating more
                                                                                       original material into their performances. This
                                                                                       evolution inspired them to expand their music,
                                                                                       leading to the formation of a larger band. Now
                                                                                       a four-piece group,  they’ve welcomed James
                                                                                       ‘Fry’ Allen on drums and Matt Gerdes on bass,
                                                                                       bringing a fuller  sound to  their  shows. They
                                                                                       are stepping up their performances, embracing
                                                                                       festival appearances and larger venues that allow
                                                                                       them  to  showcase  their  high-energy  vibe  and
                                                                                       electrifying chemistry on stage.
                                                                                       What truly makes Marty and Glenna’s
                                                                                       partnership special is how they balance out
                                                                                       each other. Glenna’s outgoing personality
                                                                                       complements Marty’s more reserved demeanour,
                                                                                       both in conversation and music. While he
                                                                                       may be quieter offstage, Marty commands
                                                                                       attention with his powerful guitar presence.
                                                                                       His  background  in hard  rock,  metal,  and folk
                                                                                       beautifully pairs with Glenna’s roots in Southern
                                                                                       rock and blues, allowing them to craft a unique
                                                                                       sound while sharing many musical tastes. Their
                                                                                       genuine affection for each other enhances their
                                                                                       collaboration, making songwriting a true team
            Glenna & Marty                                                             effort. Together, they blend Marty’s diverse riffs
                                                                                       with Glenna’s bluesy lyrics, creating a captivating
                                                                                       musical synergy.
            LADY VALIANT                                                               Outside of their work, Marty and Glenna
                                                                                       enjoy the stunning beauty of their hometown,
                                                                                       Mossman. They love relaxing by the river and
                   arty and Glenna, the dynamic   from his grandmother at the age of 12, a gift   paddleboarding, taking full advantage of their
                   musical duo behind the band    that would change his life forever. From that   picturesque surroundings. Living  in a close-
            MLady Valiant, bring electrifying     moment on, he spent his teenage years practising   knit community, they appreciate the small-
            energy to Port Douglas with their captivating   diligently behind a locked bedroom door. It   town  atmosphere  that  comes  with  being  part
            performances. With Glenna’s powerhouse   wasn’t until he relocated to Port Douglas in his   of Mossman. After several years in the area,
            vocals and Marty’s skilful guitar work, they   mid twenties and met Glenna that he finally took   they have formed connections with many locals
            blend the soulful sounds of Delta Blues with   the plunge onto the stage.  who have also called it home for 15 or 20 years,
            the pulse of modern rock, captivating local   Glenna  entered  Marty’s life when she  moved   fostering a sense of extended family.
            pubs and events alike. Their performances not   into the shared house where he lived, and they
            only entertain but also celebrate the vibrant   quickly became best buddies. Over the next   Their  environment  is  supportive,  with
            cultural spirit of the region.        four years, their friendship deepened, gradually   neighbours  ready  to  lend  a  helping  hand
                                                                                       whenever needed. The relaxed vibe of the area is
            The journey of this power couple began when   evolving into a partnership, both musically and   something they cherish; when family visits from
            Glenna arrived in Port Douglas in 2009.   romantically. It was through their mutual friend   the south, they often comment on how laid-back
            Originally from the Southern USA, she was   and fellow musician, Shannon Hunter, that they   everything feels, providing a refreshing change
            backpacking along the east coast of Australia   started discussing the idea of forming a band. At   that they have come to love.
            when her love for music led her to form a   the time, Shannon worked in the kitchen at the
            casual band  with  newfound friends.  Upon   Courthouse and, after Glenna’s gigs, the three   With their flourishing musical journey and a
            reaching Port Douglas, she discovered a thriving   of them would often gather in the park to jam   supportive community behind them, Marty,
            local music scene bursting with talent and   and so a trio band called Timber and Wood was   Glenna,  and  their  fellow  bandmates  in  Lady
            opportunities. Eager to dive in, Glenna and her   born.                    Valiant are poised to take the local music scene
            bandmates began performing at venues such as   For two years, they brought energy and positivity   by storm, leaving audiences eager for more of
            the Courthouse Hotel, setting the stage for her   to the local music scene. However, it was during   their electrifying performances.
            future.                               a transformative nine-month trip to the States
            Marty, on the other hand, was not yet part   in 2015 that Glenna and Marty truly found their
            of  these  musical  adventures.  Growing  up  in   stride as a musical duo. With Shannon pursuing
            regional Victoria, he received his first guitar   his own path back in Port Douglas, Glenna and
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